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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing LUDI

CONCLUDINGconcluding adj. Finishing; closing; final.
concluding adj. (Obsolete) Conclusive; convincing; decisive.
concluding v. Present participle of conclude.
DELUDINGLYdeludingly adv. So as to delude or cause delusion.
DELUDING adv. DELUDE, to mislead that what is true is false.
EXCLUDIBLEexcludible adj. Alternative form of excludable.
EXCLUDIBLE adj. that can be excluded, also EXCLUDABLE.
IMPALUDISMimpaludism n. (Obsolete) A diseased state affecting the inhabitants of paludal, marshy areas.
IMPALUDISM n. a disease carried by insects affecting the inhabitants of marshy areas.
INCLUDIBLEincludible adj. Suitable or available for inclusion.
INCLUDIBLE adj. that can be included, also INCLUDABLE.
INELUDIBLEineludible adj. Incapable of being eluded or evaded.
INELUDIBLE adj. incapable of being eluded.
INELUDIBLYINELUDIBLE adv. incapable of being eluded.
PALUDINOUSpaludinous adj. Paludinal.
paludinous adj. Like or relating to the genus Paludina.
paludinous adj. Of or relating to a marsh or fen.
PRAELUDIUMpraeludium n. Obsolete spelling of preludium.
præludium n. Obsolete spelling of preludium.
PRAELUDIUM n. (Latin) a prelude.
PRECLUDINGprecluding v. Present participle of preclude.
PRECLUDE v. to rule out or eliminate.
PRELUDIOUSpreludious adj. (Archaic) preludial.
PRELUDIOUS adj. of or pertaining to a prelude, also PRELUDIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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