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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing LGAR

ALGARROBASALGARROBA n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGAROBA, ALGARROBO.
ALGARROBOSALGARROBO n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGAROBA, ALGARROBA.
PEELGARLICPEELGARLIC n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PILGARLIC, PILGARLICK.
PILGARLICKpilgarlick n. Obsolete form of pilgarlic.
PILGARLICK n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PEELGARLIC, PILGARLIC.
PILGARLICSpilgarlics n. Plural of pilgarlic.
PILGARLIC n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PEELGARLIC, PILGARLICK.
VULGARIANSvulgarians n. Plural of vulgarian.
VULGARIAN n. a vulgar person; one who has vulgar ideas.
VULGARISEDvulgarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of vulgarise.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
VULGARISERvulgariser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of vulgarizer.
VULGARISER n. one who vulgarises, also VULGARIZER.
VULGARISESvulgarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vulgarise.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
VULGARISMSvulgarisms n. Plural of vulgarism.
VULGARISM n. a coarse, substandard or obscene expression.
VULGARIZEDvulgarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vulgarize.
VULGARIZE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARISE.
VULGARIZERvulgarizer n. One who vulgarizes.
VULGARIZER n. one who vulgarizes, also VULGARISER.
VULGARIZESvulgarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vulgarize.
VULGARIZE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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