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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing LAVI

ACRIFLAVINacriflavin n. Alternative form of acriflavine.
ACRIFLAVIN n. an antiseptic, also ACRIFLAVINE.
CLAVICHORDclavichord n. (Music) An early keyboard instrument producing a soft sound by means of metal blades (called tangents)…
CLAVICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument, also CLARICHORD.
CLAVICORNSclavicorns n. Plural of clavicorn.
CLAVICORN n. a beetle having club-shaped antennae.
CLAVICULAEclaviculae n. Plural of clavicula.
claviculæ n. Archaic form of claviculae.
CLAVICULA n. (Latin) the collarbone, also CLAVICLE.
CLAVICULARclavicular adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the clavicle.
CLAVICULAR adj. of or pertaining to the clavicle.
CLAVIERISTclavierist n. A musician who plays the clavier.
CLAVIERIST n. one who plays the pianoforte.
CONCLAVISMCONCLAVISM n. a minority movement that rejects the authority of the established pope and instead supports an alternative pope.
CONCLAVISTconclavist n. The personal aide of a cardinal at a papal conclave.
CONCLAVIST n. one of the two ecclesiastics allowed to attend a cardinal in the conclave.
FLAVIVIRUSflavivirus n. Any arbovirus of the genus Flavivirus, many of which are transmitted by ticks or mosquitos.
Flavivirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Flaviviridae – RNA viruses, mostly having arthropod vectors, which…
FLAVIVIRUS n. a virus of the Flaviridae family, which includes the virus responsible for yellow fever.
LAVISHMENTlavishment n. The act of lavishing.
LAVISHMENT n. the act of lavishing.
LAVISHNESSlavishness n. The state or characteristic of being lavish.
LAVISHNESS n. the state of being lavish.
OVERLAVISHoverlavish adj. Excessively lavish; decadent.
OVERLAVISH adj. lavish to excess.
RIBOFLAVINriboflavin n. (Biochemistry) Yellow or orange-yellow water-soluble compound, a member of the vitamin B complex, that…
RIBOFLAVIN n. a member of vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVINE.
SUBCLAVIANsubclavian adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or denoting an artery or vein which serves the neck and arm on the left or right…
subclavian n. (Anatomy) A subclavian part (such as an artery, vein, or nerve).
SUBCLAVIAN adj. situated or passing under the clavicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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