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There are 17 ten-letter words containing LAME

BLAMEFULLYblamefully adv. In a blameful manner.
BLAMEFUL adv. deserving blame.
BLAMESTORMblamestorm n. A process for determining the cause(s), human and otherwise, of the failure of something.
blamestorm v. To have a blamestorm, i.e., a session where a group discusses the cause(s), human and otherwise, of…
BLAMESTORM v. (of colleagues in a business, government, etc.) to meet in order to apportion blame for an error or failure.
FLAMEPROOFflameproof adj. Resistant to catching fire.
flameproof v. (Transitive) To make flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF adj. resistant to burning.
LAMEBRAINSlamebrains n. Plural of lamebrain.
lame-brains n. Plural of lame-brain.
lame␣brains n. Plural of lame brain.
LAMELLARLYlamellarly adv. In a lamellar manner.
LAMELLAR adv. flat and thin; composed of lamellae.
LAMELLATEDlamellated adj. Lamellate.
lamellated adj. Lamellar.
LAMELLATED adj. composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales, also LAMELLATE.
LAMENESSESlamenesses n. Plural of lameness.
LAMENESS n. the state of being lame.
LAMENTABLElamentable adj. Causing sorrow, distress or regret; deplorable, pitiful or distressing.
LAMENTABLE adj. deserving or expressing sorrow.
LAMENTABLYlamentably adv. Regrettably. In a manner deserving or inspiring lamentation.
LAMENTABLE adv. deserving or expressing sorrow.
LAMENTEDLYlamentedly adv. In a way that is lamented.
LAMENTED adv. LAMENT, to cry out in grief.
LAMENTINGSlamentings n. Plural of lamenting.
LAMENTING n. the act of lamenting.
LAMESTREAMlamestream adj. (Slang, derogatory, usually of media) Mainstream.
lame-stream adj. Alternative form of lamestream.
LAMESTREAM n. the traditional media such as newspapers, television and radio, considered by some people as old-fashioned and gullible when compared to online news sources such as blogs.
LOCULAMENTloculament n. (Botany) The cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
LOCULAMENT n. the cell of a pericarp in which the seed is lodged.
REINFLAMEDreinflamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinflame.
REINFLAME v. to inflame again.
REINFLAMESreinflames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinflame.
REINFLAME v. to inflame again.
UNINFLAMEDuninflamed adj. Not inflamed.
UNINFLAMED adj. not inflamed.
UNLAMENTEDunlamented adj. Not lamented.
UNLAMENTED adj. not lamented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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