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There are 20 ten-letter words containing LACT

AGALACTIASagalactias n. Plural of agalactia.
AGALACTIA n. the failure or inability to produce milk.
GALACTICOSgalacticos n. Plural of galactico.
GALACTICO n. an internationally famous footballer.
GALACTOSESgalactoses n. Plural of galactose.
GALACTOSE n. a sugar obtained by hydrolysis from lactose.
GALACTOSYLgalactosyl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical derived from the hemiacetal form of galactose.
GALACTOSYL n. a glycosyl radical derived from galactose.
LACTARIANSlactarians n. Plural of lactarian.
LACTARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products.
LACTATIONSlactations n. Plural of lactation.
LACTATION n. the act of suckling young; the period of milk secretion normally following childbirth.
LACTESCENTlactescent adj. Milky.
LACTESCENT adj. producing milky juice.
LACTIVISMSLACTIVISM n. strong advocacy of breastfeeding as opposed to bottle-feeding.
LACTIVISTSlactivists n. Plural of lactivist.
LACTIVIST n. a person, esp. a woman, who advocates strongly the breastfeeding of children and is opposed to bottle-feeding.
LACTOGENIClactogenic adj. That induces lactation.
LACTOGENIC adj. producing milk.
LACTOMETERlactometer n. A device that estimates the cream content of milk by measuring its specific gravity.
LACTOMETER n. an instrument for testing the relative density of milk.
LACTOSCOPElactoscope n. An instrument for estimating the amount of cream in milk, based on its relative opacity.
LACTOSCOPE n. an instrument for measuring the purity or richness of milk.
LACTOSURIAlactosuria n. The presence of lactose in the urine.
LACTOSURIA n. the presence of lactose in the urine.
LACTULOSESlactuloses n. Plural of lactulose.
LACTULOSE n. a synthetic sugar with laxative properties.
MALOLACTICmalolactic adj. (Winemaking) Describing a type of fermentation in which malic acid is converted into lactic acid.
MALOLACTIC adj. relating to the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid in the production of wine.
PHYLACTERYphylactery n. (Judaism) Either of the two small leather cases, containing biblical scrolls, worn by Jewish men at…
phylactery n. (Historical) A case in which (Christian) relics were preserved.
phylactery n. Any small object worn for its magical or supernatural power; an amulet or charm.
PROLACTINSprolactins n. Plural of prolactin.
PROLACTIN n. a hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
SLACTIVISMslactivism n. Alternative form of slacktivism.
SLACTIVISM n. the carrying out of feelgood measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction, also SLACKTIVISM.
SLACTIVISTslactivist n. Alternative form of slacktivist.
SLACTIVIST n. one who engages in slactivism, also SLACKTIVIST.
STALACTITEstalactite n. (Geology) A secondary mineral deposit of calcium carbonate or another mineral, in shapes similar to…
STALACTITE n. a roughly conical or icicle-shaped speleothem that hangs down from the roof of a cave.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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