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There are 18 words containing LTC

CULTCHcultch n. Empty oyster shells and other substances laid down on oyster grounds to furnish points for the attachment…
cultch n. Young or seed oysters together with the shells and other objects to which they are usually attached.
cultch n. Rubbish; debris; refuse.
ELTCHIeltchi n. Alternative form of elchi.
ELTCHI n. (Turkish) an ambassador, also ELCHI, ELCHEE.
ELTCHISeltchis n. Plural of eltchi.
ELTCHI n. (Turkish) an ambassador, also ELCHI, ELCHEE.
GILTCUPGILTCUP n. (dialect) a buttercup, also GILCUP.
SALTCATsaltcat n. A mixture of salt, coarse meal, lime, etc., attractive to pigeons.
SALTCAT n. a mixture of salt, coarse meal, lime, etc. attractive to pigeons.
CULTCHEScultches n. Plural of cultch.
CULTCH n. the flooring of an oyster-bed, also CULCH.
GILTCUPSGILTCUP n. (dialect) a buttercup, also GILCUP.
SALTCATSsaltcats n. Plural of saltcat.
SALTCAT n. a mixture of salt, coarse meal, lime, etc. attractive to pigeons.
SALTCHUCKsaltchuck n. (British Columbia, Washington, Pacific Northwest) Any body of saltwater, especially the ocean.
salt␣chuck n. Alternative form of saltchuck.
SALTCHUCK n. (Canadian) a body of salt water.
BELTCOURSEbeltcourse n. Alternative form of belt course.
belt␣course n. (Architecture) A continuous row or layer of stones or brick set in a wall.
BELTCOURSE n. an ornamental projecting band or continuous moulding along a wall.
SALTCELLARsaltcellar n. Alternative form of salt cellar.
salt-cellar n. Alternative form of salt cellar.
salt␣cellar n. A small open container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table.
SALTCHUCKSsaltchucks n. Plural of saltchuck.
salt␣chucks n. Plural of salt chuck.
SALTCHUCK n. (Canadian) a body of salt water.
BELTCOURSESbeltcourses n. Plural of beltcourse.
belt␣courses n. Plural of belt course.
BELTCOURSE n. an ornamental projecting band or continuous moulding along a wall.
SALTCELLARSsaltcellars n. Plural of saltcellar.
salt␣cellars n. Plural of salt cellar.
SALTCELLAR n. a small vessel of glass or other material, used for holding salt on the table.
SALTCHUCKERsaltchucker n. (Canada, informal, fishing) Someone who fishes in saltwater.
SALTCHUCKER n. (Canadian) a saltwater angler.
SALTCHUCKERSsaltchuckers n. Plural of saltchucker.
SALTCHUCKER n. (Canadian) a saltwater angler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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