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There are 9 words containing LNI

ALLNIGHTall-night adj. Lasting throughout the whole night (or most of it).
all␣night adv. For the period of an entire night.
ALLNIGHT adj. lasting all night.
ALLNIGHTERallnighter n. Alternative spelling of all-nighter.
all-nighter n. Something that lasts throughout the whole night.
all-nighter n. Specifically, an instance of studying or working throughout the night.
ALLNIGHTERSallnighters n. Plural of allnighter.
all-nighters n. Plural of all-nighter.
all␣nighters n. Plural of all nighter.
ALNICOalnico n. An alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt, sometimes alloyed with smaller amounts of iron, copper, titanium…
ALNICO n. (tradename) a permanent magnetic alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt.
ALNICOSalnicos n. Plural of alnico.
ALNICO n. (tradename) a permanent magnetic alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt.
KILNINGkilning v. Present participle of kiln.
KILN v. to bake in a type of oven.
PILNIEWINKSpilnie-winks n. (Historical) An ancient form of torture for the fingers.
PILNIEWINKS n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE, PINNYWINKLE.
VULNINGvulning v. Present participle of vuln.
VULN v. to wound; pierce with a weapon.
WEDELNINGwedelning v. Present participle of wedeln.
WEDELN v. (German) to ski in a swiveling motion with skis close together, also WEDEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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