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There are 15 words containing LNA

ULNAulna n. (Anatomy) The bone of the forearm that extends from the elbow to the wrist on the side opposite to the…
ULNA n. (Latin) the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.
ULNADulnad adv. (Anatomy) Toward the ulna.
ULNAD adj. toward the ulna, the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.
ULNAEulnae n. Plural of ulna.
ULNA n. (Latin) the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.
ULNARulnar adj. Of or pertaining to the ulna, or the elbow.
ULNAR adj. pertaining to the ulna, the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.
ULNASulnas n. Plural of ulna.
ULNA n. (Latin) the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm.
ALNAGEalnage n. (Historical) Measurement (of cloth) by the ell, specifically, official inspection and measurement of…
alnage n. (Historical) A duty paid for such measurement.
ALNAGE n. cloth inspection, also AULNAGE.
ULNAREulnare n. (Anatomy) One of the carpal bones, situated at the distal end of the ulna.
ULNARE n. (Latin) one of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man.
ALNAGERalnager n. A measure by the ell.
alnager n. (Historical) A sworn officer in England, whose duty was to inspect woollen cloth and fix a seal upon it.
ALNAGER n. an inspector of cloth, also AULNAGER.
ALNAGESalnages n. Plural of alnage.
ALNAGE n. cloth inspection, also AULNAGE.
AULNAGEaulnage n. Alternative form of alnage.
AULNAGE n. cloth inspection, also ALNAGE.
ULNARIAULNARE n. (Latin) one of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, which articulates with the ulna and corresponds to the cuneiform in man.
ALNAGERSalnagers n. Plural of alnager.
ALNAGER n. an inspector of cloth, also AULNAGER.
AULNAGERaulnager n. Alternative form of alnager.
AULNAGER n. cloth inspector, also ALNAGER.
AULNAGESaulnages n. Plural of aulnage.
AULNAGE n. cloth inspection, also ALNAGE.
AULNAGERSaulnagers n. Plural of aulnager.
AULNAGER n. cloth inspector, also ALNAGER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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