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There are 17 words containing LKH

PULKHApulkha n. A sledge used for travel by Laplanders.
PULKHA n. (Finnish) a Laplander's boat-shaped sledge, also PULKA, PULK.
ELKHORNelkhorn n. The horn of an elk.
elkhorn n. A highly-branched coral (Acropora palmata) supposed to resemble the horns of an elk.
Elkhorn prop.n. A census-designated place in Monterey County, California, United States.
KOLKHOSkolkhos n. Alternative form of kolkhoz.
KOLKHOS n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOZ, KOLKOZ.
KOLKHOZkolkhoz n. A farming collective in the former Soviet Union.
KOLKHOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKOZ.
PULKHASpulkhas n. Plural of pulkha.
PULKHA n. (Finnish) a Laplander's boat-shaped sledge, also PULKA, PULK.
BULKHEADbulkhead n. (Nautical) A vertical partition dividing the hull into separate compartments; often made watertight…
bulkhead n. A similar partition in an aircraft or spacecraft.
bulkhead n. Mechanically, a partition or panel through which connectors pass, or a connector designed to pass through a partition.
ELKHOUNDelkhound n. Norwegian Elkhound, a breed of dog from Norway for hunting elk (US: moose).
elkhound n. Any Scandinavian breed of dog bred to hunt elk (US: moose).
ELKHOUND n. a breed of hunting dog.
KOLKHOSYkolkhosy n. Plural of kolkhos.
KOLKHOS n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOZ, KOLKOZ.
KOLKHOZYkolkhozy n. Plural of kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKOZ.
BULKHEADSbulkheads n. Plural of bulkhead.
BULKHEAD n. a partition on a ship.
ELKHOUNDSelkhounds n. Plural of elkhound.
ELKHOUND n. a breed of hunting dog.
KOLKHOSESkolkhoses n. Plural of kolkhos.
kolkhoses n. Plural of kolkhose.
KOLKHOS n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOZ, KOLKOZ.
KOLKHOZESkolkhozes n. Plural of kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKOZ.
BULKHEADEDbulkheaded adj. Furnished with a bulkhead or bulkheads.
BULKHEADED adj. fitted with a bulkhead.
KOLKHOZNIKkolkhoznik n. (Soviet Union) One who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIKIkolkhozniki n. Plural of kolkhoznik.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIKSkolkhozniks n. Plural of kolkhoznik.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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