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There are 20 nine-letter words containing LUG

BLUGGIESTbluggiest adj. Superlative form of bluggy: most bluggy.
BLUGGY adj. (colloquial) bloody.
CHUGALUGSchugalugs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chugalug.
chug-a-lugs n. Plural of chug-a-lug.
CHUGALUG v. to drink without pause.
FIREPLUGSfireplugs n. Plural of fireplug.
FIREPLUG n. a fire-hydrant.
FLUGELMANflugelman n. Alternative form of fugleman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FLUGELMENflugelmen n. Plural of flugelman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FUSTILUGSfustilugs n. (UK, dialect, archaic, rare) An unattractive, grossly overweight person.
FUSTILUGS n. (obsolete) a fat and slovenly person.
GLUGGABLEgluggable adj. (Especially of a wine) Pleasant to drink.
GLUGGABLE adj. of wine, easy and pleasant to drink.
LUGGABLESluggables n. Plural of luggable.
LUGGABLE n. a computer that is portable with difficulty.
PLUGBOARDplugboard n. An array of jacks or hubs into which patch cords can be inserted in order to complete electrical circuits.
PLUGBOARD n. a device with a large number of electrical sockets.
PLUGGINGSpluggings n. Plural of plugging.
PLUGGING n. stuff which forms a plug.
PLUGHOLESplugholes n. Plural of plughole.
PLUGHOLE n. a drain-hole in a sink, bath etc. which may be stopped with a plug.
ROSESLUGSroseslugs n. Plural of roseslug.
rose␣slugs n. Plural of rose slug.
ROSESLUG n. a larval sawfly that eats rose leaves.
SLUGABEDSslugabeds n. Plural of slugabed.
slug-a-beds n. Plural of slug-a-bed.
SLUGABED n. one who indulges in lying abed, also SLUGGABED.
SLUGFESTSslugfests n. Plural of slugfest.
SLUGFEST n. a vigorous fight.
SLUGGABEDsluggabed n. Alternative form of slugabed.
SLUGGABED n. (Shakespeare) one who indulges in lying abed; a sluggard, also SLUGABED.
SLUGGARDSsluggards n. Plural of sluggard.
SLUGGARD n. a habitually lazy person.
SLUGHORNEslughorne n. Obsolete spelling of slogan (“a battle cry among the ancient Irish or highlanders of Scotland”).
SLUGHORNE n. (Browning) an old form of slogan, taken by Chatterton and then Browning to be a kind of clarion, also SLUGHORN.
SLUGHORNSslughorns n. Plural of slughorn.
slug-horns n. Plural of slug-horn.
SLUGHORN n. (Browning) an old form of slogan, taken by Chatterton and then Browning to be a kind of clarion, also SLUGHORNE.
SPARKPLUGsparkplug n. Alternative form of spark plug.
sparkplug v. (Transitive) To serve as the driving force behind (a new endeavour).
spark␣plug n. The part of an internal combustion engine which forms a high-voltage electric spark which ignites the…
UNPLUGGEDunplugged adj. Not plugged in.
unplugged adj. (Music) Using acoustic instruments, especially instead of electric ones.
unplugged adj. Without a plug or bung (of a vessel containing liquid).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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