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There are 12 nine-letter words containing LRO

BALLROOMSballrooms n. Plural of ballroom.
BALLROOM n. a large room for dancing.
CORALROOTcoralroot n. Any of several saprophytic orchids of the genus Corallorhiza.
coralroot n. Cardamine bulbifera.
CORALROOT n. a kind of orchid.
GRILLROOMgrillroom n. A restaurant serving grilled food.
grill␣room n. A restaurant that specializes in grilled food, where often the food can be seen being prepared by the chefs.
GRILLROOM n. a room where grills are prepared.
HOWLROUNDhowlround n. (Electronics) A high-pitched squeal produced by feedback when a microphone is too close to its connected speakers.
howl-round n. (Television) feedback (high-pitched howling noise caused by a loop between microphone and speaker).
HOWLROUND n. a condition resulting in a howling noise when recording from a mike, also HOWLBACK.
MAILROOMSmailrooms n. Plural of mailroom.
MAILROOM n. a room in an office that deals with mail.
POOLROOMSpoolrooms n. Plural of poolroom.
POOLROOM n. an establishment for the playing of billiards, also POOLHALL.
RAILROADSrailroads n. Plural of railroad.
railroads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of railroad.
RAILROAD v. to put through a process forcefully and rapidly.
REVELROUSrevelrous adj. Characterized by or engaged in boisterous merry-making.
REVELROUS adj. given to revelry.
RIVALROUSrivalrous adj. Having a relationship of rivalry.
rivalrous adj. (Economics, of a good) Which can be consumed by no more than one person at the same time.
RIVALROUS adj. relating to rivalry.
SAILROOMSsailrooms n. Plural of sailroom.
SAILROOM n. a room aboard a vessel for storing sails in.
STILLROOMstillroom n. A room containing a still (for distillation).
stillroom n. A pantry adjoining a kitchen where drinks etc were stored or prepared.
STILLROOM n. a room, in a large house, where liquors, preserves, etc. are kept, and where tea, etc. is prepared for the table.
TOOLROOMStoolrooms n. Plural of toolroom.
tool␣rooms n. Plural of tool room.
TOOLROOM n. a room where tools are stored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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