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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing LIR

BILIRUBINbilirubin n. (Biochemistry) A bile pigment that is a product of the breakdown of the heme portion of hemoglobin (which…
BILIRUBIN n. a reddish yellow pigment present in bile.
DELIRIANTdeliriant n. A drug or other agent that induces a medical state of frank delirium.
DELIRIANT adj. of a drug, causing delirium.
DELIRIOUSdelirious adj. (Medicine) Being in the state of delirium.
delirious adj. Having uncontrolled excitement; ecstatic.
DELIRIOUS adj. mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
DELIRIUMSdeliriums n. Plural of delirium.
DELIRIUM n. (Latin) the state of wild excitement.
FLIRTIESTflirtiest adj. Superlative form of flirty: most flirty.
FLIRTY adj. lightheartedly amorous, also FLIRTISH.
FLIRTINGSflirtings n. Plural of flirting.
FLIRTING n. the act of flirting.
GILLFLIRTgillflirt n. Alternative form of jillflirt.
GILLFLIRT n. (archaic) a wanton girl, also JILLFLIRT.
JILLFLIRTjillflirt n. (Obsolete) A flirtatious woman; a hussy.
JILLFLIRT n. (archaic) a wanton girl, also GILLFLIRT.
LIRIPIPESliripipes n. Plural of liripipe.
LIRIPIPE n. (obsolete) a long tail of a hood, esp. in old academic or clerical dress, also LIRIPOOP.
LIRIPOOPSliripoops n. Plural of liripoop.
LIRIPOOP n. (obsolete) a long tail of a hood, esp. in old academic or clerical dress, also LIRIPIPE.
MILLIREMSmillirems n. Plural of millirem.
MILLIREM n. a quantity of ionizing radiation, one thousandth of a rem.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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