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There are 20 nine-letter words containing LCI

ANALCIMESanalcimes n. Plural of analcime.
ANALCIME n. a white or flesh-red mineral of the zeolite family, also ANALCITE.
ANALCIMICANALCIMIC adj. of or like analcime, a mineral of the zeolite family.
ANALCITESanalcites n. Plural of analcite.
ANALCITE n. a white or flesh-red mineral of the zeolite family, also ANALCIME.
CALCICOLEcalcicole n. Any plant that thrives in a soil rich in lime or chalk, but cannot tolerate acidic conditions.
CALCICOLE n. a plant thriving on limy soil.
CALCIFIEDcalcified v. Simple past tense and past participle of calcify.
calcified adj. Hardened from the deposit of calcium salts.
calcified adj. Made unchanging or inflexible.
CALCIFIEScalcifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calcify.
CALCIFY v. to convert into calcium carbonate or other insoluble calcium compounds.
CALCIFUGEcalcifuge n. Any plant that does not thrive in a soil rich in lime or chalk.
CALCIFUGE n. a plant that will not tolerate limy soil.
CALCIMINEcalcimine n. A form of whitewash (inexpensive white paint) made from calcium carbonate, glue and water, used to coat…
calcimine v. To coat with this substance.
CALCIMINE n. (tradename) a kind of whitewash or colour wash for walls, also KALSOMINE.
CALCININGcalcining v. Present participle of calcine.
CALCINE v. to reduce to a calx by heating.
DECALCIFYdecalcify v. To deprive of calcareous matter.
DECALCIFY v. to deprive of calcium.
DICALCIUMdicalcium n. (Chemistry) Two atoms of calcium in a compound.
DICALCIUM adj. as in dicalcium silicate, a calcium silicate that is an essential ingredient of portland cement.
DULCIANASdulcianas n. Plural of dulciana.
DULCIANA n. a soft-toned organ stop, also DULCET.
DULCIFIEDdulcified adj. Sweetened; mollified.
DULCIFY v. to sweeten.
DULCIFIESdulcifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dulcify.
DULCIFY v. to sweeten.
DULCIMERSdulcimers n. Plural of dulcimer.
DULCIMER n. a musical instrument like a flat box, with sounding board and wires stretched across bridges, also DULCIMORE.
DULCIMOREdulcimore n. Synonym of Appalachian dulcimer.
DULCIMORE n. a musical instrument like a flat box, with sounding board and wires stretched across bridges, also DULCIMER.
DULCINEASdulcineas n. Plural of dulcinea.
Dulcineas n. Plural of Dulcinea.
DULCINEA n. a sweetheart.
DULCITOLSDULCITOL n. a saccharine substance derived from plants, also DULCITE, DULCOSE.
DULCITUDEdulcitude n. Sweetness.
DULCITUDE n. sweetness.
FALCIFORMfalciform adj. Sickle-shaped.
FALCIFORM adj. shaped like a sickle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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