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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing LEO

CAMELEONcameleon n. Obsolete form of chameleon.
CAMELEON n. a small African lizard with a prehensile tail and tongue, also CHAMAELEON, CHAMELEON.
GALLEONSgalleons n. Plural of galleon.
GALLEON n. a sailing vessel of the 15th and following centuries, often having three or four decks, and used for war or commerce.
LEOPARDSleopards n. Plural of leopard.
LEOPARD n. a large, carnivorous, feline mammal.
LEOTARDSleotards n. Plural of leotard.
LEOTARD n. a skintight garment worn by dancers, acrobats, etc.
MALLEOLImalleoli n. Plural of malleolus.
MALLEOLUS n. (Latin) a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.
NAPOLEONnapoleon n. (Historical numismatics, slang) The franc germinal: a 20-franc gold coin issued under Napoleon.
napoleon n. (Historical numismatics, slang) Other subsequent 20-franc coins, notes, or values.
napoleon n. (Usually admiringly derogatory) A person resembling Napoleon Bonaparte, (usually) in having come to…
NUCLEOIDnucleoid n. (Microbiology) The irregularly-shaped region within a prokaryote cell where the genetic material is localized.
NUCLEOID n. the DNA-containing area of certain cells.
NUCLEOLEnucleole n. Alternative form of nucleolus.
NUCLEOLE n. a minute rounded body within the nucleus of a cell, associated with RNA synthesis, also NUCLEOLUS.
NUCLEOLInucleoli n. Plural of nucleolus.
NUCLEOLUS n. a minute rounded body within the nucleus of a cell, associated with RNA synthesis, also NUCLEOLE.
NUCLEONSnucleons n. Plural of nucleon.
NUCLEON n. a general name for a neutron or proton.
PALEOCONpaleocon n. (Informal) A paleoconservative.
PALEOCON n. an extremely right-wing conservative.
PALEOSOLpaleosol n. (Soil science) A layer of fossil soil buried beneath other sediments or deposits.
PALEOSOL n. a buried soil horizon of the geologic past, also PALAEOSOL.
PLEONASMpleonasm n. (Uncountable, rhetoric) Redundancy in wording.
pleonasm n. (Countable) A phrase involving pleonasm; a phrase containing one or more words which are redundant because…
PLEONASM n. the use of needless words.
PLEONASTpleonast n. (Rare) One who is addicted to pleonasm, or redundancy in speech or writing.
PLEONAST n. someone who is prone to redundancy.
PLEOPODSpleopods n. Plural of pleopod.
PLEOPOD n. an appendage of crustaceans.
SIMOLEONsimoleon n. (US, slang) A dollar.
Simoleon n. Alternative form of simoleon.
SIMOLEON n. (US slang) a dollar.
TELEOSTSteleosts n. Plural of teleost.
TELEOST n. a type of fish, having a bony skeleton and rayed fins, also TELEOSTEAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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