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There are 17 seven-letter words containing LTO

ALTOISTaltoist n. A person playing alto saxophone or some other alto instrument.
ALTOIST n. one who plays the alto saxophone.
APPALTOappalto n. A contract to assume another party’s obligation to supply a product or service.
APPALTO n. (Italian) a contract or monopoly.
BILTONGbiltong n. (South Africa, Zimbabwe) A South African food categorized by strips of lean meat cured by salting and…
BILTONG n. (South African) a kind of dried meat.
DALTONSdaltons n. Plural of dalton.
Daltons n. Plural of Dalton.
DALTON n. a unit of atomic mass, aka amu.
DELTOIDdeltoid n. (Anatomy) The deltoid muscle, a triangular muscle on the human shoulder.
deltoid n. (Anatomy) The deltoid ligament, a triangular ligament on the human ankle.
deltoid n. (Geometry) A kite (quadrilateral having two pairs of edges of equal length, the edges of each pair touching…
HILLTOPhilltop n. The peak or crest of a hill.
HILLTOP n. the top of a hill.
MALTOLSmaltols n. Plural of maltol.
MALTOL n. a natural food additive used in bread and cakes.
MALTOSEmaltose n. (Biochemistry) A disaccharide, C12H22O11 formed from the digestion of starch by amylase; is converted…
MALTOSE n. a hard, white crystalline sugar, formed by the action of malt or diastase on starch.
MELTONSmeltons n. Plural of melton.
Meltons prop.n. Plural of Melton.
MELTON n. a strong and smooth heavy woollen cloth.
PULTONSpultons n. Plural of pulton.
PULTON n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTUN, PULTAN, PULTOON.
PULTOONpultoon n. Alternative form of puttun (“Indian regiment”).
PULTOON n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTUN, PULTAN, PULTON.
REALTORrealtor n. (North America) A person or business that sells or leases out real estate, acting as an agent for the property owner.
REALTOR n. (US) an estate agent.
RIALTOSRIALTO n. a theatrical district; a marketplace.
ROLLTOProlltop adj. Alternative spelling of roll-top.
roll-top adj. Having a top that rolls away when not needed.
ROLLTOP adj. having a flexible, sliding cover.
SALTOEDSALTO v. (Italian) to perform a daring leap.
SCIOLTOsciolto adj. (Music) Light, free and easy; without strictness or legato.
sciolto adv. (Music) Played in such a manner.
sciolto n. (Music) A directive in a score specifying that the music is to be played in this manner.
SMALTOSSMALTO n. (Italian) a piece of coloured glass used in mosaic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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