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There are 17 seven-letter words containing LTA

COLTANScoltans n. Plural of coltan.
COLTAN n. a metallic ore of columbite and tantalite, found in the Congo.
DELTAICdeltaic adj. Of or pertaining to a river delta.
deltaic adj. Shaped like the letter delta (Δ), or like an equiangular or equilateral triangle.
DELTAIC adj. pertaining to a delta, also DELTIC.
HEELTAPheeltap n. A piece or wedge that raises the heel of a shoe.
heeltap n. (Dated) A small amount of (especially alcoholic) drink remaining at the bottom of a glass.
heeltap v. (Transitive) To add a piece of leather to the heel of (A shoe, boot, etc.).
LAVOLTAlavolta n. An ancient dance of the Renaissance which incorporated many challenging twists and skips.
LAVOLTA n. (Shakespeare) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, also LAVOLT, VOLTA.
LAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
MALTASEmaltase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose to glucose; often associated with amylase.
MALTASE n. an enzyme that produces grape-sugar from maltose.
MELTAGEmeltage n. The process of melting.
MELTAGE n. the process of melting.
PELTASTpeltast n. (Historical) A type of light infantry unit in Ancient Greece who often served as skirmishers.
PELTAST n. (Greek) an ancient Greek soldier armed with a pelta.
PELTATEpeltate adj. Shield-shaped; scutiform.
peltate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having the petiole attached to the lower surface instead of the margin.
PELTATE adj. having the stalk attached to the edge but near the middle of the undersurface.
PULTANSpultans n. Plural of pultan.
PULTAN n. (Hindi) an Indian regiment, also PULTUN, PULTON, PULTOON.
SALTANTsaltant adj. Leaping; jumping; dancing.
saltant adj. (Heraldry) In a leaping position; springing forward.
SALTANT n. a mutated form of an organism suddenly developed.
SALTATEsaltate v. (Intransitive) To leap or dance.
SALTATE v. to undergo an abrupt mutation.
SALTATOsaltato n. (Music) A "springing" stroke in playing the violin.
SALTATO n. (Italian) a short, bouncing bow stroke resulting in a staccato sound, also SALTANDO.
SHELTASSHELTA n. (Irish) a secret jargon used by vagrants in Britain and Ireland.
SULTANAsultana n. A pale yellow raisin made from a seedless grape.
sultana n. A wife or mistress of a sultan.
sultana n. A female ruler of a sultanate.
SULTANSsultans n. Plural of sultan.
SULTAN n. (Arabic) the monarch or chief ruler of a Muslim country, esp. that of Turkey, also SOLDAN, SOUDAN, SOULDAN, SULDAN.
VOLTAGEvoltage n. (Electricity) The difference in electrostatic potential between two points in space, especially between…
VOLTAGE n. electromotive force expressed in volts.
VOLTAICvoltaic adj. Of or relating to electricity.
voltaic adj. Producing electricity by chemical action.
Voltaic adj. Of or pertaining to Alessandro Volta or his work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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