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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing LPA

ALPACASalpacas n. Plural of alpaca.
ALPACA n. a domestic animal related to the llama.
ALPACCAALPACCA n. a type of nickel silver used in jewellery.
CALPACKcalpack n. A kind of cap from Turkic countries, with a high crown.
CALPACK n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPAC, KALPAC.
CALPACScalpacs n. Plural of calpac.
CALPAC n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPACK, KALPAC.
CALPAINcalpain n. (Biochemistry) Any of a family of enzymes that regulate calcium in the body.
CALPAIN n. an enzyme for digesting proteins.
CATALPAcatalpa n. Any tree of the genus Catalpa, in the family Bignoniaceae. The two North American species, the southern…
Catalpa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bignoniaceae – the catawbas, flowering trees of warm temperate climates.
CATALPA n. a tree of the genus Catalpa, of the bignonia family, with heart-shaped leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers, and long pods.
KALPACSKALPAC n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPAC, CALPACK, KALPAK.
KALPAKSkalpaks n. Plural of kalpak.
KALPAK n. (Turkish) a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap, also CALPAC, CALPACK, KALPAC.
OILPANSoilpans n. Plural of oilpan.
oil␣pans n. Plural of oil pan.
OILPAN n. (US) a sump.
PALPATEpalpate v. To examine or otherwise explore through touch, particularly (medicine) in reference to an area or organ…
palpate adj. Of palp, or having palp.
PALPATE v. to examine by touch.
ULPANIMulpanim n. Plural of ulpan.
ULPAN n. (Hebrew) a school in Israel for teaching Hebrew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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