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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing LMA

ALMAINSalmains n. Plural of almain.
Almains n. Plural of Almain.
ALMAIN n. an old courtly dance, also ALLEMANDE.
ALMANACalmanac n. (Astronomy, navigation) A book or table listing nautical, astronomical, astrological or other events…
almanac n. A handbook, typically published annually, containing information on a particular subject.
almanac n. A GPS signal consisting of coarse orbit and status information for each satellite in the constellation.
BELLMANbellman n. A town crier.
bellman n. A bellhop or bellboy.
Bellman prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a town crier.
BILLMANbillman n. A man who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked axe.
Billman prop.n. A surname.
BILLMAN n. one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax.
CALMANTcalmant n. A calming drug; a sedative.
CALMANT n. a drug that calms.
COALMANcoalman n. Someone who delivers coal.
coalman n. Someone who sells coal.
coalman n. A coal miner (as distinguished from other type of miners).
DOLMANSdolmans n. Plural of dolman.
DOLMAN n. (Turkish) a Turkish robe; a hussar's jacket.
FULMARSfulmars n. Plural of fulmar.
FULMAR n. (Old Norse) an arctic seabird.
KEELMANkeelman n. (Historical) A keeler; one who manages a coal boat.
KEELMAN n. one employed in managing a Newcastle keel, also KEELER.
MAILMANmailman n. (North America) someone who delivers mail to, and/or collects mail from, residential or commercial addresses…
Mailman prop.n. A surname.
MAILMAN n. a man who carries and delivers mail.
MALMAGSmalmags n. Plural of malmag.
MALMAG n. a nocturnal lemuroid monkey of the East Indies, aka tarsier.
PALMARYpalmary adj. Worthy of the palm; preeminent; superior.
palmary adj. Principal; chief.
palmary adj. (Anatomy) Palmar.
PALMATEpalmate adj. (Chiefly botany) Having three or more lobes or veins arising from a common point.
palmate adj. (Botany) (leaves) Having more than three leaflets arising from a common point, often in the form of a fan.
palmate adj. (Rare) Having webbed appendage; palmated.
POLLMANpollman n. (UK, historical, Cambridge University slang) One who takes an ordinary university degree, without honours.
Pollman prop.n. A surname.
POLLMAN n. a graduate with a pass degree.
PULLMANPullman n. (Rail transport, US) A railroad passenger car; especially one of the luxurious ones named after the…
Pullman n. A train made up of Pullman coaches.
Pullman prop.n. A surname, notably that of George Pullman.
RAILMANrailman n. A man who works on a railway.
RAILMAN n. a railway employee.
REELMANreelman n. A person who operates a reel.
REELMAN n. the member of a lifesaving surf team who operates the reel.
TOLLMANtollman n. A man who receives or collects a toll.
TOLLMAN n. one who receives or collects toll; a toll gatherer.
TOOLMANTOOLMAN n. a man who works with tools.
WOOLMANwoolman n. A man who deals in wool.
Woolman prop.n. A surname.
WOOLMAN n. a dealer in wool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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