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There are 14 seven-letter words containing LIL

BURLILYburlily adv. In a burly manner.
BURLY adv. heavy and muscular.
CURLILYcurlily adv. In a curly manner.
CURLY adv. tending to curl.
DAYLILYdaylily n. Any of several perennial plants, of the genus Hemerocallis, that have fleshy roots, grasslike leaves…
day␣lily n. Alternative form of daylily.
DAYLILY n. a liliaceous plant genus, whose flowers last for one day only.
GALILEEgalilee n. (Architecture) A narthex, particularly in the United Kingdom and the Church of England; a vestibule…
galilee n. In certain Syriac Christian churches, the baptistry.
Galilee prop.n. A mountainous geographic region in northern Israel.
GODLILYgodlily adv. In a godly fashion; righteously.
GODLY adv. like a god.
JOLLILYjollily adv. In a jolly manner.
JOLLY adv. mirthful.
LILLINGlilling v. Present participle of lill.
LILL v. (Spenser) to loll the tongue.
LILTINGlilting adj. Having a lilt; with energy, spirit and sprightliness; lively and cheerful.
lilting n. A type of lively singing without any musical accompaniment, where the tune itself is sung, often to…
lilting v. Present participle of lilt.
LOWLILYlowlily adv. In a lowly way.
LOWLY adv. in a low position or rank.
MANLILYmanlily adv. In a manly way.
MANLY adv. having the qualities of a man.
MELILOTmelilot n. A fragrant plant of the genus Melilotus, often having small yellow or white flowers.
MELILOT n. a wild flower.
SILLILYsillily adv. (Dated or hypercorrect) In a silly manner; foolishly.
SILLY adv. showing a lack of common sense.
SURLILYsurlily adv. In a surly manner.
SURLY adv. sullenly rude.
WOOLILYwoolily adv. In a wooly manner; with a wooly appearance.
WOOLY adv. having the texture of wool, also WOOLLY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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