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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing LEL

AGILELYagilely adv. In an agile manner; with agility.
AGILE adv. able to move quickly and easily.
ALLELESalleles n. Plural of allele.
ALLELE n. any one of the two or more possible forms of a gene, also ALLEL, ALLELOMORPH.
ALLELICallelic adj. Of or pertaining to alleles.
allelic adj. Of or pertaining to alleles of the same gene.
ALLELIC adj. relating to an allele.
BLELLUMBLELLUM n. (Scots) an idle boring chatterer.
DIALLELdiallel adj. (Genetics) Involving crosses between several or all possible combinations.
diallel adj. (Obsolete) Of lines: Meeting and intersecting; not parallel.
diallel n. A set of all possible pairs of items from a specified set of items, especially when used for a study…
HALLELShallels n. Plural of hallel.
HALLEL n. (Hebrew) a holiday prayer of thanksgiving Psalms.
STALELYstalely adv. In a stale manner.
stalely adv. (Obsolete) of old; long since.
STALE adv. not fresh.
UKELELEukelele n. (Music) Alternative form of ukulele.
UKELELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKE, UKULELE.
UKULELEukulele n. A small four-stringed guitar.
ʻukulele n. Alternative form of ukulele.
UKULELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKELELE, UKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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