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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing LBO

BALBOASbalboas n. Plural of balboa.
Balboas prop.n. Plural of Balboa.
BALBOA n. (Spanish) the monetary unit of Panama.
BALLBOYballboy n. Alternative spelling of ball boy.
ball␣boy n. (Sports) A person, usually male, responsible for retrieving balls from the area of play, and returning…
BALLBOY n. a boy who retrieves balls during a game.
BELLBOYbellboy n. A male worker, usually at a hotel, who carries luggage and runs errands.
bell␣boy n. Alternative form of bellboy.
BELLBOY n. a pageboy in a hotel or club, also BELLHOP.
BILBOASBILBOA n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBO.
BILBOESbilboes n. An iron bar fitting around the ankles of prisoners, and having sliding shackles.
BILBO n. (Spanish) a rapier, also BILBOA.
BULBOUSbulbous adj. Having the shape of or resembling a bulb, bloated.
bulbous adj. (Of a person) Overweight and round in shape.
bulbous adj. (Botany) Growing from a bulb or producing bulbs.
CALLBOYcallboy n. (Euphemistic) A male prostitute.
callboy n. (Dated) A bellhop.
callboy n. (Theater) A boy or man who summons actors when their presence is required for a performance.
COALBOXcoalbox n. A box for storing coal.
COALBOX n. a box for storing coal.
ELBOWEDelbowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of elbow.
elbowed adj. Having bends or corners.
elbowed adj. (In combination) Having some specific type of elbow.
HELLBOXhellbox n. (Printing, historical) A receptacle where cast metal sorts were thrown after printing.
hellbox n. (Military, slang) A blasting machine producing an electrical charge for a detonation.
HELLBOX n. a printer's receptacle for broken type.
MAILBOXmailbox n. (Chiefly US) A box into which mail is put.
mailbox n. (Computing) A folder or account for the storage of email; an electronic inbox or mailstore.
mail-box n. Alternative form of mailbox.
PILLBOXpillbox n. A small box in which pills are kept.
pillbox n. A flat, concrete gun emplacement.
pillbox n. (Archaic, slang) A doctor’s carriage.
TALBOTStalbots n. Plural of talbot.
TALBOT n. a broad-mouthed, large-eared hound, now extinct.
TALLBOYtallboy n. A tall chest of drawers, or combination of chest on chest, or chest with a small wardrobe on top. Usually…
tallboy n. (US) A tall can of beer, either 16 or 24 ounces.
tallboy n. (Nautical) A kind of sail, a spanker.
TOOLBOXtoolbox n. A storage case for tools.
toolbox n. (Computing) A set of pre-existing routines for use in writing new programs.
toolbox n. (Figurative) A set of skills or competences.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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