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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing LBI

ALBINALalbinal adj. Synonym of albino.
ALBINAL adj. pertaining to albinism, also ALBINIC.
ALBINICalbinic adj. Synonym of albino.
ALBINIC adj. pertaining to albinism, also ALBINAL.
ALBINOSalbinos n. Plural of albino.
ALBINO n. a person or organism lacking normal pigmentation.
ALBITESalbites n. Plural of albite.
ALBITE n. a sodium-rich mineral, sodium feldspar, occurring widely in silicate rocks.
ALBITICalbitic adj. Of or relating to the mineral albite.
ALBITIC adj. pertaining to albite, a white silicate, also ALBITICAL.
ALBIZIAalbizia n. A plant of the genus Albizia; a siris or silk tree.
Albizia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – tropical and subtropical trees and shrubs called silk…
ALBIZIA n. any of a genus of subtropical and tropical trees and shrubs in the mimosa subfamily, also ALBIZZIA.
AWLBIRDAWLBIRD n. (dialect) the green woodpecker.
BILBIESbilbies n. Plural of bilbie.
bilbies n. Plural of bilby.
BILBY n. (Native Australian) a burrowing marsupial of Australia.
BULBILSbulbils n. Plural of bulbil.
BULBIL n. a small bulb, also BULBEL, BULBLET.
BULBINGbulbing v. Present participle of bulb.
BULB v. to swell out, form bulbs.
COALBINcoalbin n. A bin for the storage of coal.
COALBIN n. a bin for storing coal.
COLBIESColbies n. Plural of Colby.
COLBY n. a type of mild-tasting hard cheese.
OILBIRDoilbird n. Steatornis caripensis, a nocturnal South American bird related to the nightjars that feeds on the fruit…
OILBIRD n. a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka guacharo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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