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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing LBE

ALBEDOSalbedos n. Plural of albedo.
ALBEDO n. (Latin) the measure of the reflecting power of an object.
ALBERGOalbergo n. An Italian inn.
ALBERGO n. (Italian) an inn, also AUBERGE.
ALBERTSAlberts prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name derived from the given name Albert.
Alberts prop.n. Plural of Albert.
Alberts prop.n. Plural of Alberts.
ASTILBEastilbe n. A species, subspecies, cultivar, or specimen of the genus Astilbe.
Astilbe prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Saxifragaceae – false goat’s beard.
ASTILBE n. a plant of the Astilbe genus of perennial plants, with clusters of usually red or white flowers.
BULBELSbulbels n. Plural of bulbel.
BULBEL n. a small bulb, also BULBIL, BULBLET.
FILBERDfilberd n. Alternative form of filbert.
FILBERD n. a hazel nut, also FILBERT.
FILBERTfilbert n. The hazelnut.
filbert n. The hazel tree.
filbert n. A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.
GEELBEKGEELBEK n. (South African) a yellow-jawed fish.
GILBERTgilbert n. The CGS unit of magnetomotive force equal to 0.7958 ampere-turns.
Gilbert prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages.
Gilbert prop.n. A surname.
HALBERDhalberd n. A two-handed pole weapon, consisting of a long pole with an axe-like blade mounted on it (at a right…
HALBERD n. an ancient axelike weapon, also HALBERT.
HALBERThalbert n. Alternative form of halberd.
Halbert prop.n. A surname.
Halbert prop.n. A township in Martin County, Indiana, United States.
RAILBEDrailbed n. The substructure of a railway, underlying the tracks; the roadbed of a railroad.
RAILBED n. the bed of a railway track.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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