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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing LVA

ALVARSalvars n. Plural of alvar.
ALVAR n. (Swedish) an area of exposed limestone.
ELVANSelvans n. Plural of elvan.
ELVAN n. (Welsh) a granular rock, also ELVANITE.
HALVAHhalvah n. Alternative spelling of halva.
HALVAH n. (Yiddish) a Turkish confection, also HALVA, HALAVAH.
HALVAShalvas n. Plural of halva.
HALVA n. (Yiddish) a sweetmeat containing sesame seeds, honey, nuts and saffron, also HALAVAH, HALVAH.
MALVASmalvas n. Plural of malva.
MALVA n. (Latin) any plant of the mallow family.
SELVASselvas n. Plural of selva.
Selvas prop.n. Plural of Selva.
SELVA n. (Spanish) a wet forest in the Amazon basin.
SILVAEsilvae n. Plural of silva.
SILVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SYLVA.
SILVANsilvan adj. Alternative spelling of sylvan.
silvan n. (Chemistry, obsolete) tellurium.
Silvan prop.n. A city in Diyarbakır Province in Turkey.
SILVASsilvas n. Plural of silva.
Silvas prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
SILVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SYLVA.
SYLVAEsylvae n. Plural of sylva.
SYLVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SILVA.
SYLVANsylvan adj. Pertaining to the forest, or woodlands.
sylvan adj. Residing in a forest or wood.
sylvan adj. Wooded, or covered in forest.
SYLVASsylvas n. Plural of sylva.
SYLVA n. (Latin) the forest trees of an area, also SILVA.
VALVALvalval adj. (Biology) valvular.
VALVAL adj. pertaining to a valve, also VALVAR.
VALVARvalvar adj. (Anatomy) valvular.
VALVAR adj. pertaining to a valve, also VALVAL.
VOLVAEvolvae n. Plural of volva.
VOLVA n. (Latin) a sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms.
VOLVASvolvas n. Plural of volva.
völvas n. Plural of völva.
VOLVA n. (Latin) a sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms.
VULVAEvulvae n. Plural of vulva.
vulvæ n. (Obsolete) plural of vulva.
VULVA n. (Latin) the external genital organs of a female.
VULVALvulval adj. Pertaining to the vulva.
VULVAL adj. relating to the vulva, also VULVAR.
VULVARvulvar adj. Of or pertaining to the vulva.
VULVAR adj. relating to the vulva, also VULVAL.
VULVASvulvas n. Plural of vulva.
VULVA n. (Latin) the external genital organs of a female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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