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There are 17 six-letter words containing LUE

BLUELYbluely adv. In a blue manner; bluishly.
bluely n. (UK dialectal, Sussex, obsolete) Porpoise.
BLUE adv. having the colour of a clear sky.
BLUESTbluest adj. Superlative form of blue: most blue.
BLUE adj. having the colour of a clear sky.
BLUESYbluesy adj. (Music, informal) Characteristic of, or similar to, the blues (a genre of music).
BLUESY adj. resembling blues music.
BLUETSbluets n. Plural of bluet.
BLUET n. (French) a meadow flower.
BLUEYSblueys n. Plural of bluey.
BLUEY n. a swagman's bundle of personal effects.
ELUENTeluent n. (Analytical chemistry) In chromatography, a solvent used in order to effect separation by elution.
ELUENT n. a solvent, also ELUANT.
EVOLUEévolué n. A native African (especially in a European colony) who has been educated on European principles or who…
EVOLUE n. (French) a primitive person improved by education.
FLUENTfluent adj. That flows; flowing, liquid.
fluent adj. (Linguistics) Able to use a language accurately, rapidly, and confidently – in a flowing way.
fluent n. (Mathematics, obsolete) A continuous variable, especially one with respect to time in Newton’s Method of Fluxions.
GLUERSgluers n. Plural of gluer.
GLUER n. one who glues.
LUETICluetic adj. (Medicine, psychiatry, obsolete) Of or pertaining to lues (syphilis).
luetic n. (Medicine, psychiatry, obsolete) A person who has lues (syphilis); a syphilitic (but see people-first language).
LUETIC adj. infected with syphilis.
REGLUEreglue v. (Transitive) To glue again; to stick back together with glue.
REGLUE v. to glue again.
SALUEDSALUE v. (obsolete) to salute.
SALUESSALUE v. (obsolete) to salute.
UNGLUEunglue v. To separate that which was held by glue.
unglue v. To cease to adhere to or follow attentively.
UNGLUE v. to release from a state of being glued.
VALUEDvalued adj. Having a value, esteemed.
valued v. Simple past tense and past participle of value.
VALUE v. to estimate the worth of.
VALUERvaluer n. A person who valuates; an assessor or appraiser.
valuer n. A person who appreciates something and sets a value on it.
VALUER n. one that values.
VALUESvalues n. Plural of value.
values v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of value.
VALUE v. to estimate the worth of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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