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There are 20 six-letter words containing LIF

CALIFScalifs n. Plural of calif.
CALIF n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIPH, KALIF, KALIPH, KHALIF.
CLIFFScliffs n. Plural of cliff.
Cliffs n. (Informal) Cliff notes.
CLIFF n. a high, steep face of rock.
CLIFFYcliffy adj. Abounding in cliffs.
cliffy n. (Slang) A cliffhanger (dramatic stopping point in a story).
CLIFFY adj. abounding in cliffs.
CLIFTSclifts n. Plural of clift.
Clifts prop.n. Plural of Clift.
CLIFT n. a cliff.
CLIFTYclifty adj. (Obsolete) Characterised by cliffs; cliffy, craggy.
CLIFTY adj. broken into cliffs.
GLIFFSgliffs n. Plural of gliff.
GLIFF n. an unexpected view of something that startles one; a sudden fear, also GLIFT.
GLIFTSglifts n. Plural of glift.
GLIFT n. (obsolete) an unexpected view of something that startles one; a sudden fear, also GLIFF.
KALIFSkalifs n. Plural of kalif.
KALIF n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, CALIPH, KALIPH, KHALIF.
KHALIFkhalif n. Alternative form of caliph.
KHALIF n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, CALIPH, KALIF, KALIPH.
LIFERSlifers n. Plural of lifer.
LIFER n. a prisoner serving a life sentence.
LIFTEDlifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of lift.
lifted adj. Raised up; held aloft.
lifted adj. Stolen.
LIFTERlifter n. Someone or something that lifts or assists in lifting.
lifter n. (Weightlifting) A weightlifter.
lifter n. (Cricket) A delivery that bounces well off the pitch.
LIFULLLIFULL adj. (Spenser) full of vital energy, also LIFEFUL, LYFULL.
SALIFYsalify v. (Dated, chemistry) To react so as to form a salt.
salify v. (Dated, chemistry, transitive) To combine or impregnate with a salt.
salify v. (Dated, chemistry, transitive) To form a salt with; to convert into a salt.
SCLIFFSCLIFF n. (Scots) a small segment or piece, also SKLIFF.
SKLIFFSKLIFF v. (Scots) to shuffle (the feet), also SCLIFF.
SPLIFFspliff n. (Slang, Jamaica, UK, Australia) A cannabis cigarette.
spliff v. (Rare) To smoke a spliff.
SPLIFF n. (slang) a marijuana cigarette.
UGLIFYuglify v. (Transitive) To make ugly; to destroy or worsen the appearance or attractiveness of.
uglify v. (Intransitive) To become ugly.
uglify v. (Computing) Synonym of minify.
UPLIFTuplift v. To raise something or someone to a higher physical, social, moral, intellectual, spiritual or emotional level.
uplift v. (Law, of a penalty) To aggravate; to increase.
uplift v. (Aviation, travel) To be accepted for carriage on a flight.
VILIFYvilify v. (Transitive) To say defamatory things about someone or something; to speak ill of.
vilify v. (Transitive) To belittle through speech; to put down.
VILIFY v. to slander; degrade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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