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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing LEI

ACULEIaculei n. Plural of aculeus.
ACULEUS n. (Latin) a prickle growing on the bark, as in some brambles and roses.
CLEIKSCLEIK n. a kind of golf club.
LEIGERleiger n. Obsolete form of ledger.
leiger n. Alternative form of lieger.
LEIGER n. (obsolete) an ambassador, also LEDGER, LEIDGER, LIDGER, LIEGER.
LEIPOALeipoa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Megapodiidae – the mallee fowl.
LEIPOA n. (Greek) any bird of the genus Leipoa of Australian moundbirds.
LEIREDLEIR v. (Scots) to teach, also LEAR, LEARE, LERE.
MALEICmaleic adj. (Chemistry) of or relating to maleic acid or its derivatives.
MALEIC adj. as in maleic acid, an acid of the ethylene series.
MALLEImallei n. Plural of malleus.
MALLEUS n. (Latin) a bone of the middle ear.
NUCLEInuclei n. Plural of nucleus.
NUCLEUS n. (Latin) an essential part of a cell.
OLEINEoleine n. Alternative form of olein.
OLEINE n. a glycerine ester of oleic acid, also OLEIN.
OLEINSoleins n. Plural of olein.
OLEIN n. a glycerine ester of oleic acid, also OLEINE.
PLEIADpleiad n. A group of illustrious or talented people, especially one with seven members.
Pleiad prop.n. (Historical) A group of 16th-century French poets who sought to enrich the French language.
Pleiad n. (Greek mythology) Any one of the Pleiades.
POLEISpoleis n. Plural of polis.
-poleis suff. Plural of -polis.
POLIS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek city state.
SLEIGHsleigh n. A vehicle, generally pulled by an animal, which moves over snow or ice on runners, used for transporting…
sleigh v. To ride or drive a sleigh.
sleigh adj. (Obsolete) Sly.
SOLEINSOLEIN adj. (Spenser) sullen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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