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There are 11 six-letter words containing LAX

CLAXONclaxon n. Alternative spelling of klaxon.
CLAXON n. a low-pitched horn.
FLAXENflaxen adj. Made of or resembling flax fibers.
flaxen adj. A pale yellow brown; the colour of dried flax stalks and of the fiber obtained therefrom.
FLAXEN adj. pale yellow.
FLAXESflaxes n. Plural of flax.
Flaxes prop.n. Plural of Flax.
FLAX n. the fibres of the plant linum.
GALAXYgalaxy n. (Now rare) The Milky Way; the apparent band of concentrated stars which appears in the night sky over earth.
galaxy n. (Astronomy) Any of the collections of many millions or billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes…
galaxy n. (Figuratively) An assemblage of things or people seen as luminous or brilliant.
KLAXONklaxon n. A loud electric alarm or horn.
klaxon v. (Intransitive) To produce a loud, siren-like wail.
KLAXON n. a loud mechanical horn, also CLAXON.
LAXESTlaxest adj. Superlative form of lax: most lax.
LAX adj. slack, careless.
LAXINGlaxing n. (Phonetics) The process whereby a tense vowel becomes lax.
LAX v. to relax.
LAXISMlaxism n. Laxity (in interpreting or enforcing a rule).
LAXISM n. the belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed.
LAXISTlaxist n. (Chiefly theology) Someone promoting lax views or relaxed interpretations of something.
laxist adj. (Chiefly theology) Promoting a lax view or interpretation of something.
LAXIST n. a person with low moral views.
LAXITYlaxity n. The state of being lax; looseness, lack of tension.
laxity n. Moral looseness; lack of rigorousness or strictness.
LAXITY n. the state of being lax, also LAXNESS.
SMILAXsmilax n. Any member of the Smilax genus of greenbriers.
Smilax prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Smilacaceae – the greenbriers.
SMILAX n. (Greek) a genus of perennial climbing plants, usually with a prickly woody stem.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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