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There are 12 five-letter words containing LVE

CALVEcalve v. (Intransitive) to give birth to a calf.
calve v. (Intransitive) to assist in a cow’s giving birth to a calf.
calve v. (Transitive) to give birth to (a calf).
DELVEdelve v. (Intransitive) To dig into the ground, especially with a shovel.
delve v. (Transitive, intransitive) To search thoroughly and carefully for information, research, dig into, penetrate…
delve v. (Transitive, intransitive) To dig; to excavate.
ELVENelven n. Originally, a female elf, a fairy, a nymph; (by extension) any elf.
elven adj. Belonging or relating to, or characteristic of, elves; elfin, elflike.
elven n. (Kent, Sussex, Warwickshire, Worcestershire) An elm (a tree of the genus Ulmus, particularly the wych…
ELVERelver n. A young eel.
ELVER n. a young eel.
ELVESelves n. Plural of elf.
elves n. Plural of elve.
ELF n. a fairylike being.
HALVEhalve v. (Transitive) To reduce to half the original amount.
halve v. (Transitive) To divide into two halves.
halve v. (Transitive) To make up half of.
HELVEhelve n. The handle or haft of a tool or weapon.
helve n. A forge hammer lifted by a cam acting on the helve between the fulcrum and the head.
helve v. (Transitive) To furnish (An axe, etc.) with a helve.
SALVEsalve n. An ointment, cream, or balm with soothing, healing, or calming effects.
salve n. Any remedy or action that soothes or heals.
salve v. (Transitive) To calm or assuage.
SOLVEsolve v. To find an answer or solution to a problem or question; to work out.
solve v. To find out the perpetrator, the motive etc (of crime).
solve v. (Mathematics) To find the values of variables that satisfy a system of equations and/or inequalities.
VALVEvalve n. A device that controls the flow of a gas or fluid through a pipe.
valve n. A device that admits fuel and air into the cylinder of an internal combustion engine, or one that allows…
valve n. (Anatomy) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents…
VOLVEvolve v. (Transitive, obsolete) To turn over in the mind; to ponder.
VOLVE v. (obsolete) to turn over and over; to ponder.
WOLVEwolve v. To behave like a wolf.
wolve v. Of an organ, to make a hollow whining sound like that of a wolf.
WOLVE v. to hunt for wolves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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