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There are 14 five-letter words containing LUT

ELUTEelute v. (Transitive) To separate one substance from another by means of a solvent; to wash; to cleanse.
ELUTE v. to remove by means of a solvent.
FLUTEflute n. A woodwind instrument consisting of a tube with a row of holes that produce sound through vibrations…
flute n. (Colloquial) A recorder, also a woodwind instrument.
flute n. A glass with a long, narrow bowl and a long stem, used for drinking wine, especially champagne.
FLUTYfluty adj. Resembling the sound of a flute.
Fluty prop.n. A surname.
FLUTY adj. resembling a flute in sound, also FLUTEY.
GALUTGALUT n. (Hebrew) the forced exile of Jews, the diaspora, also GALUTH.
GLUTEglute n. (Exercise, colloquial) A gluteal muscle.
GLUTE n. any of the three large muscles of the buttocks, also GLUTAEUS.
GLUTSgluts n. Plural of glut.
gluts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of glut.
GLUT v. to feed or fill to excess.
KLUTZklutz n. (US, derogatory) A clumsy or stupid person.
Klutz prop.n. A surname.
KLUTZ n. (Yiddish) a clumsy person.
LUTEAlutea n. Plural of luteum.
LUTEUM n. (Latin) a hormone-secreting body.
LUTEDluted v. Simple past tense and past participle of lute.
LUTE v. to play on the lute.
LUTERluter n. One who applies lute.
luter n. A musician who plays a lute.
LUTER n. a lute-player, also LUTANIST, LUTENIST, LUTIST.
LUTESlutes n. Plural of lute.
lutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lute.
Lutes prop.n. Plural of Lute.
PLUTOpluto v. (Neologism) To demote or devalue something.
Pluto prop.n. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) Greco-Roman god of the underworld.
Pluto prop.n. (Astronomy) Originally known as the ninth planet in the solar system but reclassified in 2006 as a dwarf…
SALUTSALUT interj. an interjection expressing friendship before a drink.
SLUTSsluts n. Plural of slut.
sluts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slut.
SLUT n. a slovenly woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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