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There are 7 five-letter words containing LEC

ALECKAleck prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name Alexander, from Ancient Greek, of Scottish usage, variant of Alec.
ALECK n. an irritatingly smart person.
ALECSalecs n. Plural of alec.
ALEC n. a herring.
BLECHblech interj. (Slang) An imitation of the sound of gagging, used to express disgust or disdain.
blech v. (Slang) To have the vomiting reflex triggered.
blech n. (Judaism) A metal sheet used to cover stovetop burners on Shabbat to allow food to be kept warm without…
CLECKcleck v. (Chiefly Scotland, transitive) To hatch (a bird); (colloquial) to give birth to (a person).
CLECK v. (Scots) to hatch.
ELECTelect n. One chosen or set apart.
elect n. (Theology) In Calvinist theology, one foreordained to Heaven. In other Christian theologies, someone…
elect v. (Transitive) To choose or make a decision (to do something).
FLECKfleck n. A flake.
fleck n. A lock, as of wool.
fleck n. A small spot or streak; a speckle.
LECCYleccy n. Alternative form of lecky.
LECCY n. (colloquial) electricity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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