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There are 8 five-letter words containing LDE

ALDEAaldea n. A village.
aldea n. A villa.
ALDEA n. (Spanish) a small village or a farm in Portugal, Spain, or one of their former territories.
ALDERalder n. Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Alnus, belonging to the birch family.
alder n. An alderman or alderwoman.
Alder prop.n. A topographic surname from Middle English for someone who lived by alder trees.
ELDERelder adj. Comparative degree of old: older, greater than another in age or seniority.
elder n. An older person.
elder n. An older member, usually a leader, of some community.
OLDENolden adj. From or relating to a previous era.
olden adj. (Archaic) Old; ancient.
olden v. (Intransitive, old-fashioned or rare) To grow old; age; assume an older appearance or character; become…
OLDERolder adj. Comparative form of old: more old, elder, senior.
older adj. Elderly.
Older prop.n. A surname.
SOLDESOLDE n. (Spenser) pay, remuneration, also SOLD.
TILDEtilde n. The grapheme of character ~.
tilde n. (Logic) The character used to represent negation, usually ~ or ¬.
TILDE n. (Spanish) the diacritical sign used over n in Spanish to indicate the sound ny.
VILDEvilde adj. Obsolete form of vile.
VILDE adj. (Spenser) vile, also VILD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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