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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 9 thirteen-letter words containing LUL

ANTICELLULITEanticellulite adj. (Dermatology) Countering cellulite.
ANTICELLULITE adj. designed to reduce cellulite.
CELLULARITIEScellularities n. Plural of cellularity.
CELLULARITY n. the state of being cellular.
CELLULIFEROUScelluliferous adj. Bearing or producing little cells.
CELLULIFEROUS adj. bearing little cells.
EXTRACELLULARextracellular adj. Occurring or found outside of a cell.
EXTRACELLULAR adj. situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body.
HEMICELLULOSEhemicellulose n. (Biochemistry) A mixture of several plant polysaccharides, of smaller molecular weight than cellulose…
HEMICELLULOSE n. a type of polysaccharide, found in plant cell walls, which can be more easily broken down than cellulose.
INTERCELLULARintercellular adj. Located between, or connecting, cells.
INTERCELLULAR adj. between cells.
INTRACELLULARintracellular adj. Inside or within a cell.
INTRACELLULAR adj. existing, occurring, or functioning within a cell.
MULTICELLULARmulticellular adj. (Biology, of an organism) That has many cells, often differentiated in function.
multicellular n. Such an organism.
multi-cellular adj. Alternative spelling of multicellular.
NONCELLULOSICnoncellulosic adj. Not cellulosic.
NONCELLULOSIC n. a compound that does not contain cellulose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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