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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing LUV

ANTEDILUVIALantediluvial adj. (Biblical) Of or pertaining to a time before Noah’s flood.
antediluvial adj. (Rare) Antiquated.
ANTEDILUVIAL adj. pertaining to the period before the Biblical flood or any great flood, also ANTEDILUVIAN.
ANTEDILUVIANantediluvian adj. Ancient or antiquated.
antediluvian adj. Extremely dated.
antediluvian adj. Pertaining or belonging to the time period prior to a great or destructive flood or deluge.
CHELUVIATIONcheluviation n. Eluviation caused by the chelating action of acids in the environment.
CHELUVIATION n. the leaching of iron and aluminium oxides from soils, esp. those planted with conifers and heaths.
DILUVIALISMSDILUVIALISM n. a belief in Noah's flood.
DILUVIALISTSdiluvialists n. Plural of diluvialist.
Diluvialists n. Plural of Diluvialist.
DILUVIALIST n. one who believes in Noah's flood.
FLUVIOMARINEfluviomarine adj. (Geology) Formed by the joint action of a river and the sea.
FLUVIOMARINE adj. of deposits, formed by joint action of the sea and a river or stream.
FLUVOXAMINESFLUVOXAMINE n. an antidepressant predominantly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.
ILLUVIATIONSilluviations n. Plural of illuviation.
ILLUVIATION n. the accumulation of illuvium.
INTERFLUVIALinterfluvial adj. Between rivers or streams.
INTERFLUVIAL adj. between two rivers flowing in same direction.
INTERPLUVIALinterpluvial n. (Geology) A period of decreased rainfall.
INTERPLUVIAL n. a period between bouts of rain.
PLUVIOMETERSpluviometers n. Plural of pluviometer.
PLUVIOMETER n. a device for recording rainfall.
PLUVIOMETRICpluviometric adj. Related to pluviometry.
PLUVIOMETRIC adj. relating to pluviometry, the measurement of rainfall, also PLUVIOMETRICAL.
POSTDILUVIALpostdiluvial adj. After the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAL adj. after the Flood.
POSTDILUVIANpostdiluvian adj. Postdiluvial.
postdiluvian n. One who lived after the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAN adj. pertaining to the period after the Biblical flood or any great flood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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