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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing LAV

ACRIFLAVINESacriflavines n. Plural of acriflavine.
ACRIFLAVINE n. an antiseptic, also ACRIFLAVIN.
BIOFLAVONOIDbioflavonoid n. Flavonoid.
BIOFLAVONOID n. vitamin P, a vitamin found in citrus fruit, blackcurrants and rosehips, aka citrin.
CLAVECINISTSclavecinists n. Plural of clavecinist.
CLAVECINIST n. one who plays the clavecin.
CLAVICEMBALOclavicembalo n. (Music, now chiefly historical) A harpsichord.
CLAVICEMBALO n. (Italian) a harpsichord.
CLAVIERISTICclavieristic adj. Characteristic of clavier music.
CLAVIERISTIC adj. relating to a clavierist, one who plays the pianoforte.
DISENSLAVINGdisenslaving v. Present participle of disenslave.
DISENSLAVE v. to free from bondage or slavery.
ENSLAVEMENTSenslavements n. Plural of enslavement.
ENSLAVEMENT n. the state of being enslaved.
FLAVIVIRUSESflaviviruses n. Plural of flavivirus.
FLAVIVIRUS n. a virus of the Flaviridae family, which includes the virus responsible for yellow fever.
FLAVOPROTEINflavoprotein n. (Biochemistry) any of a group of enzymes, containing flavin, that act as dehydrogenases.
FLAVOPROTEIN n. a protein which serves as an electron carrier in the electron transfer chain.
FLAVOURFULLYflavourfully adv. Alternative form of flavorfully.
FLAVOURFUL adv. full of flavour, also FLAVORFUL.
LACTOFLAVINSlactoflavins n. Plural of lactoflavin.
LACTOFLAVIN n. an earlier name for riboflavin.
LAVISHNESSESlavishnesses n. Plural of lavishness.
LAVISHNESS n. the state of being lavish.
OVERLAVISHEDSorry, definition not available.
OVERLAVISHESSorry, definition not available.
RIBOFLAVINESRIBOFLAVINE n. a member of the vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVIN.
SLAVEHOLDERSslaveholders n. Plural of slaveholder.
SLAVEHOLDER n. one who owns slaves.
SLAVEHOLDINGslaveholding adj. Having possession/ownership of one or more slaves.
slaveholding n. (Uncountable) The institution or practice of owning slaves.
slaveholding n. (Countable) An owning of one or more slaves.
SLAVOCRACIESslavocracies n. Plural of slavocracy.
SLAVOCRACY n. slave-owners collectively.
TRYPAFLAVINEtrypaflavine n. An acridine dye thought to be identical with flavine or acriflavine.
TRYPAFLAVINE n. another name for acriflavine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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