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There are 16 ten-letter words containing LYA

BELLYACHEDbellyached v. Simple past tense and past participle of bellyache.
BELLYACHE v. to moan, complain.
BELLYACHERbellyacher n. One who bellyaches; a complainer.
BELLYACHER n. one who complains.
BELLYACHESbellyaches n. Plural of bellyache.
bellyaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bellyache.
BELLYACHE v. to moan, complain.
KAILYAIRDSKAILYAIRD n. a cabbage patch, a kitchen garden, also KAILYARD, KALEYARD.
PARAKEELYAparakeelya n. Calandrinia balonensis, a succulent herb of central Australia.
PARAKEELYA n. (Native Australian) a succulent Australian herb, also PARAKELIA.
POLLYANNASpollyannas n. Plural of pollyanna.
Pollyannas n. Plural of Pollyanna.
POLLYANNA n. one who is naively optimistic.
POLYACTINEpolyactine n. The ray of a polyactinal sponge.
POLYACTINE n. the spicule of a polyactinal sponge, also POLYACT.
POLYAMIDESpolyamides n. Plural of polyamide.
POLYAMIDE n. a compound characterized by more than one amide group.
POLYAMINESpolyamines n. Plural of polyamine.
POLYAMINE n. a compound characterized by more than one amino group.
POLYANTHASpolyanthas n. Plural of polyantha.
POLYANTHA n. any of large number of dwarf hybrid roses.
POLYANTHUSpolyanthus n. A type of primula, apparently originally from a hybrid between the cowslip and the primrose, having…
POLYANTHUS n. the oxlip, so called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel.
POLYATOMICpolyatomic adj. (Chemistry) (of a molecule or ion) Consisting of three or more atoms.
POLYATOMIC adj. having many atoms, multivalent.
POLYAXIALSPOLYAXIAL n. a shape having many axes or several axis cylinders.
POLYAXONICPOLYAXONIC adj. having many axes or several axis cylinders.
SCHOOLYARDschoolyard n. (Chiefly US) The grounds around a school.
schoolyard n. (Chiefly UK) An open field near a school used for recreation by the students.
SCHOOLYARD n. the grounds of a school, especially as a place for children to play.
STEELYARDSsteelyards n. Plural of steelyard.
STEELYARD n. a weighing-machine consisting of a lever with a short arm for the thing weighed and a long graduated arm on which a single weight moves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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