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There are 15 ten-letter words containing LBE

ALBERTITESalbertites n. Plural of albertite.
ALBERTITE n. a bituminous mineral resembling asphalt, found in the county of Albert, New Brunswick.
ALBESCENCEalbescence n. The act of becoming white; whitishness.
ALBESCENCE n. the act of becoming white.
ALBESPINESALBESPINE n. (archaic) hawthorn, also ALBESPYNE.
ALBESPYNESALBESPYNE n. (archaic) hawthorn, also ALBESPINE.
BILBERRIESbilberries n. Plural of bilberry.
BILBERRY n. a whortleberry shrub; its dark-blue edible berry, also BLAEBERRY.
CORALBELLScoralbells n. Alternative form of coral bells.
coral␣bells n. Heuchera sanguinea, a species of herbaceous perennial in the family Saxifragaceae, native to North America.
coral␣bells n. Any of the plants of genus Heuchera.
CORALBERRYcoralberry n. A species of bromeliad, Aechmea fulgens, of Brazil, and which is often used as an ornamental plant.
coralberry n. American winterberry, Ilex verticillata.
coralberry n. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus, of eastern North America.
FOOLBEGGEDFOOLBEGGED adj. (Shakespeare) foolish enough to be begged for a fool (in allusion to the custom of seeking the administration of a lunatic's estate as one's own).
HALBERDIERhalberdier n. A soldier armed with a halberd.
HALBERDIER n. one who is armed with a halberd.
HELLBENDERhellbender n. A giant salamander (genus Cryptobranchus) of North America that inhabits large, swiftly flowing streams…
hellbender n. A reckless, headstrong person.
HELLBENDER n. a large North American aquatic salamander.
INSELBERGEinselberge n. Plural of inselberg.
INSELBERG n. (German) an isolated mountain or hill rising abruptly from its surrounding, aka monadnock.
INSELBERGSinselbergs n. Plural of inselberg.
INSELBERG n. (German) an isolated mountain or hill rising abruptly from its surrounding, aka monadnock.
MULBERRIESmulberries n. Plural of mulberry.
MULBERRY n. any of various trees of the genus Morus, esp. Morus nigra, grown for its purple, succulent fruit.
PALLBEARERpallbearer n. (Archaic) One who carries a corner of the pall over a coffin or casket.
pallbearer n. One called upon to carry or bear the casket at a funeral.
PALLBEARER n. a person who helps to carry the coffin at a funeral.
WELLBEINGSwellbeings n. Plural of wellbeing.
WELLBEING n. a state of being well.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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