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There are 16 words containing KLAND

BACKLANDbackland n. Land that lies behind or beyond some primary settlement or development.
BACKLAND n. a piece of land at the back of an established property.
BOOKLANDbookland n. (Anglo-Saxon) In Anglo-Saxon society, land held by charter or written title, free from all fief, fee…
Bookland prop.n. (Informal) The notional "country" associated with a numeric country prefix allocated in the 1980s for…
BOOKLAND n. (Old English) in Old English law, land taken from the folkland or common land and granted by written charter to a private owner.
DOCKLANDdockland n. The land area surrounding a dock, especially the renovated or gentrified areas surrounding a former dock.
DOCKLAND n. the part of a port occupied by docks.
FOLKLANDfolkland n. (Law, historical, UK) Land held in villeinage, being distributed among the folk, or people, at the pleasure…
FOLKLAND n. in Old English times, land held by folk-right, as opposed to bookland.
LACKLANDlackland n. (Dated) A person who does not own land.
LACKLAND n. one who is wanting in land.
PARKLANDparkland n. Land suitable for use as a park.
parkland n. (North America) A landscape characterized by a mixture of treed groves and open grasslands, akin to…
PARKLAND n. a cared-for area with lawn, trees and shrubs.
BACKLANDSbacklands n. Plural of backland.
BACKLAND n. a piece of land at the back of an established property.
BLACKLANDblackland n. The land making up the Texas Blackland Prairies, a temperate grassland ecoregion in Texas with rich, dark soil.
BLACKLAND n. a heavy, sticky black soil such as that covering large areas of Texas.
BOOKLANDSbooklands n. Plural of bookland.
BOOKLAND n. (Old English) in Old English law, land taken from the folkland or common land and granted by written charter to a private owner.
CHALKLANDchalkland n. Land in which the underlying geology is chalk.
CHALKLAND n. land composed of chalk.
DOCKLANDSdocklands n. An area of a town or city which contains, or used to contain, an industrial port.
DOCKLAND n. the part of a port occupied by docks.
FOLKLANDSfolklands n. Plural of folkland.
FOLKLAND n. in Old English times, land held by folk-right, as opposed to bookland.
LACKLANDSlacklands n. Plural of lackland.
LACKLAND n. one who is wanting in land.
PARKLANDSparklands n. Plural of parkland.
PARKLAND n. a cared-for area with lawn, trees and shrubs.
BLACKLANDSblacklands n. Plural of blackland.
BLACKLAND n. a heavy, sticky black soil such as that covering large areas of Texas.
CHALKLANDSchalklands n. Plural of chalkland.
CHALKLAND n. land composed of chalk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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