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There are 10 words containing KEREL

KERELKEREL n. (South African) a chap or fellow.
KERELSKEREL n. (South African) a chap or fellow.
COCKERELcockerel n. A young male chicken.
COCKEREL n. a young rooster.
MACKERELmackerel n. Certain smaller edible fish, principally true mackerel and Spanish mackerel in family Scombridae, often speckled…
mackerel n. A true mackerel, any fish of tribe Scombrini (Scomber spp., Rastrelliger spp.).
mackerel n. Certain other similar small fish in families Carangidae, Gempylidae, and Hexagrammidae.
PICKERELpickerel n. A freshwater fish of the genus Esox.
pickerel n. (Canada) Walleye, A species of gamefish, Sander vitreus, native to the Northern U.S. and Canada with…
pickerel n. A wading bird, the dunlin.
COCKERELScockerels n. Plural of cockerel.
COCKEREL n. a young rooster.
MACKERELSmackerels n. Plural of mackerel.
MACKEREL n. a marine food fish.
PICKERELSpickerels n. Plural of pickerel.
Pickerels prop.n. Plural of Pickerel.
PICKEREL n. a young pike; a small American freshwater fish.
PICKERELWEEDpickerelweed n. (US) Any of several freshwater plants, of the genus Pontederia, that have heart-shaped leaves.
pickerel␣weed n. Any of the genus Pontederia of tristylous aquatic plants with large waxy leaves, succulent stems, and…
PICKERELWEED n. a shallow-water perennial plant chiefly of the eastern United States and Canada with large leaves and a spike of purplish-blue flowers.
PICKERELWEEDSpickerelweeds n. Plural of pickerelweed.
pickerel␣weeds n. Plural of pickerel weed.
PICKERELWEED n. a shallow-water perennial plant chiefly of the eastern United States and Canada with large leaves and a spike of purplish-blue flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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