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There are 20 seven-letter words containing KUM

BUNKUMSbunkums n. Plural of bunkum.
BUNKUM n. insincere or foolish talk, nonsense, also BUNCOMBE.
DINKUMSDINKUM n. (Australian slang) the truth.
FRANKUMFrankum prop.n. A surname.
FRANKUM n. the hardened resin of a spruce tree.
KIKUMONkikumon n. The Imperial Seal of Japan, a stylized chrysanthemum used as a mon by the Japanese emperor and his family.
KIKUMON n. (Japanese) the chrysanthemum badge of the Japanese emperor.
KOOKUMSkookums n. Plural of kookum.
KOOKUM n. (Marathi) an East Indian tree, also KOKAM, KOKUM.
KUMARASkumaras n. Plural of kumara.
KUMARA n. (Maori) the sweet potato, also KUMERA.
KUMARISkumaris n. Plural of kumari.
Kumaris prop.n. Plural of Kumari.
KUMARI n. (Hindi) in India, the title of Miss.
KUMERASKUMERA n. (Maori) the sweet potato, also KUMARA.
KUMISESKUMIS n. (Russian) an intoxicating fermented or distilled liquor originally made by the Tartars from mare's or camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMISS, KUMYS.
KUMITESkumites n. Plural of kumite.
KUMITE n. (Japanese) freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring.
KUMKUMSkumkums n. Plural of kumkum.
KUMKUM n. (Hindi) a red powder used by Hindu women as a cosmetic.
KUMMELSkummels n. Plural of kummel.
KUMMEL n. (German) a cumin-flavoured liqueur.
KUMQUATkumquat n. A small, orange citrus-like fruit which is native to Asia (Citrus japonica, syn. Fortunella japonica).
KUMQUAT n. (Chinese) any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits with sweet spongy rind and somewhat acid pulp that are used chiefly for preserves, also CUMQUAT.
KUMYSESKUMYS n. (Russian) an intoxicating fermented or distilled liquor originally made by the Tartars from mare's or camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KOUMYSS, KUMIS, KUMISS.
NICKUMSnickums n. Plural of nickum.
NICKUM n. (Scots) a mischievous boy.
SKOOKUMskookum adj. (Chiefly British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest US) Excellent, impressive.
skookum adj. (Chiefly British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest US) Big, strong, durable, reliable, trustworthy, doughty.
skookum n. (Chiefly among Northwest Coast Aboriginal people) An evil spirit or woodland monster or giant.
SKUMMERSKUMMER v. (archaic) to void excrement, also SCUMBER.
STICKUMstickum n. (North America, informal) Any adhesive, adhesive residue; any sticky or gummy substance.
STICKUM n. a substance that causes adhesion.
TRANKUMTRANKUM n. (Scott) a trinket, also TRINKUM.
TRINKUMTRINKUM n. a trinket, also TRANKUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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