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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing KLY

DANKLYdankly adv. In a dank manner.
DANK adv. unpleasantly damp.
DARKLYdarkly adv. With insufficient light for easy discernment or comprehension.
darkly adv. With a dark appearance.
darkly adv. (Figuratively) In a manner which is not readily visible or noticeable; inconspicuously.
DINKLYDINKLY adj. neat, tidy.
DUSKLYduskly adv. In a dark or dusky manner.
DUSK adv. dim, darkening.
FECKLYfeckly adv. (Scotland) partly.
feckly adv. (Scotland) mostly; for the greater part.
FECKLY adv. (archaic) mostly, nearly.
FICKLYfickly adv. (Obsolete) In a fickle manner.
FICKLE adv. not loyal.
HACKLYhackly adj. (Geology) Jagged or rough.
HACKLY adj. rough or broken, as if hacked, esp. of the surface of a mineral.
LANKLYlankly adv. In a lank way.
LANK adv. long and thin.
MEEKLYmeekly adv. In a meek manner; quietly and humbly.
MEEK adv. having a mild and gentle temper.
MURKLYmurkly adj. (Archaic, poetic) dark, gloomy, murky.
MURK adj. dark, gloomy, obscure, also MIRK.
PACKLYPACKLY adv. intimately.
PARKLYparkly adj. (Obsolete) parklike.
PARKLY adj. like a park.
PINKLYpinkly adv. In a pink manner; with pink colour.
PINK adv. of a pale red colour.
RANKLYrankly adv. In a rank manner.
RANK adv. disagreeable in odour or taste.
RICKLYRICKLY adj. (Scots) loose, rickety.
SICKLYsickly adj. Frequently ill or in poor health.
sickly adj. Not in good health; (somewhat) sick.
sickly adj. (Of a plant) Characterized by poor or unhealthy growth.
TICKLYtickly adj. Having an itchy sensation like that of being tickled.
tickly adj. Producing an itchy sensation like that of being tickled.
TICKLY adj. easily tickled.
TINKLYtinkly adj. Having a tinkling sound.
TINKLY adj. producing a tinkling sound.
WEAKLYweakly adj. Frail, sickly or of a delicate constitution; weak.
weakly adv. With little strength or force.
WEAKLY adj. weak and sickly.
WEEKLYweekly adv. Once every week.
weekly adv. Every week.
weekly adj. Of or relating to a week.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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