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There are 10 five-letter words containing KIL

KILEYkiley n. Archaic form of kylie (“boomerang”).
Kiley prop.n. A surname.
Kiley prop.n. A unisex given name transferred from the surname, of modern usage; compare Kylie.
KILIMkilim n. A flat tapestry-woven carpet or rug from Turkey or Kurdistan.
KILIM n. (Turkish) a pileless woven rug traditionally made in the Middle East, also KELIM, KHILIM.
KILLSkills n. Plural of kill.
kills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kill.
Kills prop.n. Plural of Kill.
KILNSkilns n. Plural of kiln.
kilns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kiln.
KILN v. to bake in a type of oven.
KILOSkilos n. Plural of kilo.
KILO n. a short form of kilogram.
KILPSKILP n. a type of large brown seaweed, also KELP.
KILTSkilts n. Plural of kilt.
Kilts prop.n. A surname from German.
KILT v. to tuck up like a kilt.
KILTYKILTY n. one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTIE.
SKILLskill n. Capacity to do something well; technique, ability. Skills are usually acquired or learned, as opposed…
skill n. (Obsolete) Discrimination; judgment; propriety; reason; cause.
skill n. (Obsolete) Knowledge; understanding.
VAKILvakil n. (South Asia) A lawyer or advocate mainly a representative in the court of law and a vakil can be a representative…
VAKIL n. (Hindi) a native lawyer in India, also VAKEEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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