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There are 9 words containing JORD

FJORDfjord n. A long, narrow, deep inlet between cliffs.
FJORD n. (Norwegian) a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs, also FIORD.
FJORDSfjords n. Plural of fjord.
FJORD n. (Norwegian) a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs, also FIORD.
JORDANjordan n. (Obsolete) A vessel resembling a retort bulb or Florence flask with a truncated neck and flared mouth…
jordan n. (Obsolete) A chamber pot.
Jordan prop.n. A placename.
FJORDICfjordic adj. Relating to fjords.
FJORDIC adj. of or like a fjord.
JORDANSjordans n. Plural of jordan.
Jordans prop.n. Plural of Jordan.
Jordans prop.n. Basketball shoes on the Air Jordan brand.
JORDELOOJORDELOO n. (Scots) a warning cry when slops are thrown from a window, also GARDYLOO.
JORDELOOSJORDELOO n. (Scots) a warning cry when slops are thrown from a window, also GARDYLOO.
MAJORDOMOmajordomo n. The head servant or official in a royal Spanish or Italian household; later, any head servant in a wealthy…
majordomo n. (US, Southwest) A manager of a hacienda, ranch or estate.
majordomo n. (Chiefly US) Any overseer, organizer, person in command.
MAJORDOMOSmajordomos n. Plural of majordomo.
major-domos n. Plural of major-domo.
major␣domos n. Plural of major domo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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