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There are 20 words containing JIBB

DJIBBADJIBBA n. a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBAH, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
DJIBBAHdjibbah n. Alternative form of jubbah.
DJIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
DJIBBAHSdjibbahs n. Plural of djibbah.
DJIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
DJIBBASDJIBBA n. a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBAH, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIBBjibb n. Archaic form of jib.
JIBB v. to shift from side to side while sailing.
JIBBAJIBBA n. a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIBBAHjibbah n. Alternative form of jubbah.
JIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIBBAHSjibbahs n. Plural of jibbah.
JIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIBBASJIBBA n. a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIBBEDjibbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jib.
JIBB v. to shift from side to side while sailing.
JIBBERjibber n. A horse that jibs, i.e. refuses, stops short.
jibber v. Alternative form of gibber.
JIBBER v. to utter senseless sounds.
JIBBEREDjibbered v. Simple past tense and past participle of jibber.
JIBBER v. to utter senseless sounds.
JIBBERINGjibbering v. Present participle of jibber.
jibbering adj. Alternative spelling of gibbering.
jibbering n. Alternative spelling of gibbering.
JIBBERSjibbers n. Plural of jibber.
JIBBER v. to utter senseless sounds.
JIBBINGjibbing n. The performance of tricks using jibs (Objects in a skatepark, etc.).
JIB v. to draw back, to renegue.
JIBBINGSjibbings n. The last milk drawn from a cow at one time; the afterings.
JIBBINGS n. (Scots) the last milk drawn from a cow.
JIBBONSJIBBONS n. spring onions.
JIBBOOMjibboom n. Alternative spelling of jib-boom.
jib-boom n. (Nautical) A spar used to extend the length of a bowsprit on sailing ships.
jib␣boom n. (Nautical) A spar attached to the outboard end of a bowsprit or flying jib boom with an additional stay…
JIBBOOMSjibbooms n. Plural of jibboom.
jib-booms n. Plural of jib-boom.
jib␣booms n. Plural of jib boom.
JIBBSjibbs n. Plural of jibb.
JIBB v. to shift from side to side while sailing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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