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There are 17 words containing JAK

JAKjak n. Alternative form of jack (“the tree Mangifera caesia”).
Jak prop.n. (Rare) Alternative form of Jack (male given name).
'jak n. (Slang, neologism) A soyjak.
JAKEjake adj. (Slang) Adequate; satisfactory; acceptable.
jake n. (US) A juvenile male turkey.
jake n. (New York, MTE, MLE, slang) police, a federal government officer.
JAKERJAKE adj. (Australian slang) honest, fine.
JAKESjakes n. Plural of jake in its various senses.
jakes n. (Now chiefly Ireland) A place to urinate and defecate: an outhouse or lavatory.
jakes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jake: to play a form of prank.
JAKESESjakeses n. Plural of jakes.
JAKES n. (Shakespeare) a privy.
JAKESTJAKE adj. (Australian slang) honest, fine.
JAKEYjakey n. (Chiefly Scotland) A homeless drunk.
JAKEY n. (offensive Scots) a homeless alcoholic.
JAKEYSjakeys n. Plural of jakey.
JAKEY n. (offensive Scots) a homeless alcoholic.
JAKFRUITjakfruit n. Alternative spelling of jackfruit.
JAKFRUIT n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAK.
JAKFRUITSjakfruits n. Plural of jakfruit.
JAKFRUIT n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAK.
JAKSjaks n. Plural of jak.
JAK n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAKFRUIT.
MUNTJAKmuntjak n. Alternative spelling of muntjac.
MUNTJAK n. (Malay) a small Asian deer, also MUNTJAC.
MUNTJAKSmuntjaks n. Plural of muntjak.
MUNTJAK n. (Malay) a small Asian deer, also MUNTJAC.
ROJAKrojak n. (Cuisine) A traditional Malaysian and Indonesian salad of mixed raw fruits and vegetables served with a sauce.
ROJAK n. (Malay) a salad dish served in chilli sauce.
ROJAKSROJAK n. (Malay) a salad dish served in chilli sauce.
SANJAKsanjak n. (Politics) A district, a prefecture, particularly (historical) a second-level administrative division…
sanjak n. (Historical, inexact, obsolete) Synonym of sanjakbey: the officer supervising a sanjak.
SANJAK n. (Turkish) a district or a subdivision of a vilayet, one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire.
SANJAKSsanjaks n. Plural of sanjak.
SANJAK n. (Turkish) a district or a subdivision of a vilayet, one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 105 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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