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There are 14 seven-letter words containing JEC

ABJECTSabjects n. Plural of abject.
abjects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abject.
ABJECT v. to throw out, cast away.
CONJECTconject v. (Obsolete) To conjecture.
conject v. (Obsolete) To throw together, or to throw.
CONJECT v. to conjecture.
DEJECTAdejecta n. (Medicine, zoology) any liquid or solid waste matter that is emanated, shed or discharged from the body…
dejecta n. Excrements.
DEJECTA n. (Latin) excrements.
DEJECTSdejects v. (Rare) third-person singular simple present indicative form of deject.
DEJECT v. to depress, make sad.
DISJECTdisject v. (Archaic, transitive) To break apart; separate.
DISJECT v. to dismember, to scatter.
EJECTEDejected v. Simple past tense and past participle of eject.
EJECT v. to throw out forcibly.
EJECTORejector n. One who, or that which, ejects or dispossesses.
ejector n. (Mechanics) A jet jump for lifting water or withdrawing air from a space.
ejector n. Ejector seat: a pilot’s seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency;…
INJECTSinjects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inject.
INJECT v. to force liquid into.
OBJECTSobjects n. Plural of object.
objects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of object.
OBJECT v. to argue in opposition.
PROJECTproject n. A planned endeavor, usually with a specific goal and accomplished in several steps or stages.
project n. (Usually in the plural, US) An urban low-income housing building.
project n. (Dated) An idle scheme; an impracticable design.
REEJECTreeject v. To eject again.
REEJECT v. to eject again.
REJECTSrejects n. Plural of reject.
rejects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reject.
REJECT v. to refuse to accept.
SUBJECTsubject adj. Likely to be affected by or to experience something.
subject adj. Conditional upon something; used with to.
subject adj. Placed or situated under; lying below, or in a lower situation.
TRAJECTtraject n. (Obsolete) A place for passing across; a passage; a ferry.
traject n. (Obsolete) The act of trajecting; trajection.
traject n. (Obsolete) A trajectory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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