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There are 7 six-letter words containing JOB

HOBJOBhobjob n. An odd job; temporary, unspecialized employment.
hobjob v. (Intransitive) To carry out odd jobs.
HOBJOB v. (dialect) to do odd jobs.
JOBBEDjobbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of job.
JOB v. to do piece work.
JOBBERjobber n. (Archaic) One who works by the job (i.e. paid per individual piece of work) and/or recruits other people…
jobber n. (Theater) An actor temporarily employed for a specific role, often in a touring company.
jobber n. (Obsolete, UK, finance) A promoter or broker of stocks for investment.
JOBBIEjobbie n. (In particular Scotland, slang) Faeces; a piece of excrement.
jobbie n. (Informal) Generic object, thing.
jobbie n. (UK, informal) A job, normally a task rather than a form of employment for which one is paid.
JOBINGjobing v. Present participle of jobe.
JOBE v. to reprimand tediously.
JOJOBAjojoba n. A shrub native to the southwestern United States and to Mexico, Simmondsia chinensis: the only plant…
JOJOBA n. (Spanish) a small tree.
NUTJOBnutjob n. Alternative spelling of nut job.
nut-job n. Alternative form of nutjob.
nut␣job n. (Colloquial, derogatory) Someone who is crazy (insane).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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