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There are 5 words containing INTRUSION

INTRUSIONintrusion n. The forcible inclusion or entry of an external group or individual; the act of intruding.
intrusion n. (Geology) Magma forced into other rock formations; the rock formed when such magma solidifies.
intrusion n. A structure that lies within a historic district but is nonhistoric and irrelevant to the district.
INTRUSIONALintrusional adj. Of or pertaining to intrusion.
INTRUSIONAL adj. having the nature of an intrusion.
INTRUSIONISTintrusionist n. (Historical) One who favours the appointment of a clergyman to a parish, by a patron, against the wishes…
INTRUSIONIST n. a person who intrudes, esp. of those who, before the Scottish Disruption of 1843, refused a parish the right of objecting to the settlement of an obnoxious minister by a patron.
INTRUSIONISTSintrusionists n. Plural of intrusionist.
INTRUSIONIST n. a person who intrudes, esp. of those who, before the Scottish Disruption of 1843, refused a parish the right of objecting to the settlement of an obnoxious minister by a patron.
INTRUSIONSintrusions n. Plural of intrusion.
INTRUSION n. the act of intruding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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