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There are 20 words containing IOGRAPHY

ANGIOGRAPHYangiography n. (Medicine) A medical imaging technique in which an X-ray image is taken to visualize the inside of blood…
ANGIOGRAPHY n. a technique for X-raying major blood vessels, using dye opaque to X-rays.
ARTERIOGRAPHYarteriography n. Radiography of an artery.
arteriography n. (Medicine, dated) description of the arteries.
ARTERIOGRAPHY n. the radiographic visualization of an artery after injection of a radiopaque substance.
AUTOBIOGRAPHYautobiography n. (Countable) A self-written biography; the story of one’s own life.
autobiography n. (Uncountable) Biographies of this kind regarded as a literary genre.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY n. the biography of a person narrated by himself or herself.
AUTORADIOGRAPHYautoradiography n. The process of making autoradiographs.
AUTORADIOGRAPHY n. a technique used to show the distribution of radioactively labelled molecules in cells or tissues.
BIBLIOGRAPHYbibliography n. A section of a written work containing citations, not quotations, to all the books referred to in the work.
bibliography n. A list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author.
bibliography n. The study of the history of books in terms of their classification, printing and publication.
BIOGRAPHYbiography n. A person’s life story, especially one published.
biography n. The art of writing this kind of story.
biography v. (Transitive) To write a biography of.
CARDIOGRAPHYcardiography n. (Medicine) The graphic recording of the movement, or other function of the heart as a means of diagnosis.
CARDIOGRAPHY n. the making of cardiographs.
CHOLANGIOGRAPHYcholangiography n. The diagnostic imaging of the bile duct by means of X-rays.
CHOLANGIOGRAPHY n. the examination by X-ray of the bile duct.
CINEANGIOGRAPHYcineangiography n. Cinematographic angiography.
CINEANGIOGRAPHY n. the recording of the movement of blood in the blood vessels by photographing a series of X-ray images to create a moving picture.
DACTYLIOGRAPHYdactyliography n. The art of writing or engraving upon gems.
DACTYLIOGRAPHY n. the study of gem engraving.
HAGIOGRAPHYhagiography n. (Uncountable) The study of saints and the documentation of their lives.
hagiography n. (Countable) A biography of a saint.
hagiography n. (Countable, by extension) A biography which expresses reverence and respect for its subject.
HELIOGRAPHYheliography n. The scientific study of the sun.
heliography n. The art of making a heliograph.
heliography n. The system of signalling by heliograph.
HERESIOGRAPHYheresiography n. A treatise on heresy.
HERESIOGRAPHY n. a study of or treatise on heresies.
HISTORIOGRAPHYhistoriography n. (Countable and uncountable) The writing of history; a written history.
historiography n. (Uncountable) The study of the discipline and practice of history and the writings of past historians.
HISTORIOGRAPHY n. the study of writing history.
PHYSIOGRAPHYphysiography n. (Geography) The subfield of geography that studies physical patterns and processes of the Earth. It…
physiography n. The descriptive part of a natural science as distinguished from the explanatory or theoretical part.
PHYSIOGRAPHY n. physical geography.
PSYCHOBIOGRAPHYpsychobiography n. A biography that emphasises the psychological aspects of its subject.
PSYCHOBIOGRAPHY n. a biography written from a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic point of view.
RADIOGRAPHYradiography n. The process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them.
RADIOGRAPHY n. photography of the interior of a body or specimen by radiations other than light, such as X-rays, etc.
WEBLIOGRAPHYwebliography n. A list of electronic documents or websites that relate to a particular subject, especially one used…
WEBLIOGRAPHY n. a list of items published on the internet, esp. one indicating sources used in the preparation of a book or academic paper.
XERORADIOGRAPHYxeroradiography n. A method of X-ray photography which uses an electrically charged metal plate instead of film.
XERORADIOGRAPHY n. radiography used esp. in mammographic screening for breast cancer that produces an image using X-rays in a manner similar to the way an image is produced by light in xerography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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