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There are 9 words containing INTERLU

INTERLUDEinterlude n. An intervening episode, etc.
interlude n. An entertainment between the acts of a play.
interlude n. (Music) A short piece put between the parts of a longer composition.
INTERLUDEDinterluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of interlude.
interluded adj. Inserted as an interlude.
interluded adj. Having interludes.
INTERLUDESinterludes n. Plural of interlude.
INTERLUDE v. to write or perform a dramatic interlude.
INTERLUNARinterlunar adj. Of the four-day period between an old moon and a new moon, when the moon is not visible.
INTERLUNAR adj. pertaining to the period between the old and new moon, also INTERLUNARY.
INTERLUDIALinterludial adj. Relating to, or serving as, an interlude.
INTERLUDIAL adj. relating to an interlude.
INTERLUDINGinterluding v. Present participle of interlude.
INTERLUDE v. to write or perform a dramatic interlude.
INTERLUNARYinterlunary adj. Alternative form of interlunar.
INTERLUNARY adj. pertaining to the period between the old and new moon, also INTERLUNAR.
INTERLUNATIONinterlunation n. The interlunar period; the dark time between the old moon and new moon phases.
INTERLUNATION n. the dark time between the old moon and the new.
INTERLUNATIONSinterlunations n. Plural of interlunation.
INTERLUNATION n. the dark time between the old moon and the new.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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